J-GLOBAL ID:200901046323336847
Update date: Feb. 13, 2025
Yamazaki Toshimasa
ヤマザキ トシマサ | Yamazaki Toshimasa
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Structural biochemistry
, Molecular biochemistry
, Bioorganic chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
- 2019 - 2022 Elucidation of the functional molecular mechanisms of seed dormancy mediated by abscisic acid
- 2016 - 2019 窒素肥料の利用効率向上と環境負荷低減化に向けた新世代サステイナブル硝化抑制剤の開発
- 2016 - 2018 Development of a specific growth inhibitor for cyanobacteria, targeting the pathway for a photosynthetic membrane lipid.
- 2015 - 2018 Researches on synergistic defensive function of raphides and other defensive substances
- 2014 - 2017 Study on the development of the efficient use of the protein fusolin targetting the insect peritophic matrix for pest control
- 2014 - 2017 食糧循環と地球温暖化対策の両立を目指す新規な分子標的硝化抑制剤の開発
- 2012 - 2015 PDE analysis
- 2011 - 2014 SUMO転移反応におけるダイナミズムの精密解析と生物種特異性の解明
- 2011 - 2013 Characterization of antenna-specific cholesterol-binding protein in the ant
- 2007 - 2010 SUMOリガーゼPIAS/Sizファミリーのドメイン構造と分子認識機構の解明
- 2003 - 2005 Design and development of therapeutic drugs for intractable diseases based on molecular recognition of aspartic proteases
- 2000 - 2004 NMRによる機能未知タンパク質の動的構造解析と機能の推定に関する基礎的研究
- 1995 - 1998 超高磁場NMRと分子シミュレーションによる生体超分子の動的構造-機能相関の研究
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Papers (94):
Fumio Taguchi-Shiobara, Koji Takahashi, Ryoichi Yano, Rintaro Suzuki, Yuko Yokota, Toshimasa Yamazaki, Tetsuya Yamada, Takashi Sayama, Naohiro Yamada, Nobuhiko Oki, et al. A single-nucleotide insertion in Rxp confers durable resistance to bacterial pustule in soybean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2024. 137. 11
Yukie Akutsu, Takaaki Fujiwara, Rintaro Suzuki, Yuki Nishigaya, Toshimasa Yamazaki. Juglone, a plant-derived 1,4-naphthoquinone, binds to hydroxylamine oxidoreductase and inhibits the electron transfer to cytochrome c554. Applied and environmental microbiology. 2023. e0129123
Sawa Wasai-Hara, Manabu Itakura, Arthur Fernandes Siqueira, Daisaku Takemoto, Masayuki Sugawara, Hisayuki Mitsui, Shusei Sato, Noritoshi Inagaki, Toshimasa Yamazaki, Haruko Imaizumi-Anraku, et al. Bradyrhizobium ottawaense efficiently reduces nitrous oxide through high nosZ gene expression. Scientific Reports. 2023. 13. 1
Takahiro Shiotsuki, Rintaro Suzuki, Wataru Tsuchiya, Toshimasa Yamazaki, Masaru Shimomura, Takuya Tsubota, Takayo Nakakura, Shuhei Henmi. Characteristics of the takeout protein ce-0330 in the silkworm, Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2023
Shuhei Henmi, Ayumu Sueyoshi, Hiroshi Ono, Toshimasa Yamazaki, Konatsu Inoue, Takahiro Shiotsuki. Insect growth-regulating activity of 1-benzyl-2-methylbenzimidazole derivatives on silkworms. Journal of Pesticide Science. 2023. 48. 3. 99-106
MISC (87):
下田宜司, 梅原洋佐, 伊藤(山谷)紘子, 林誠, 山崎俊正, 西ヶ谷有輝, 稲垣言要, 箱山雅生, 河内宏, 柴田哲, et al. 根粒菌共生効率を制御するマメ科植物プロテアーゼ. 農研機構生物機能利用研究部門成果情報(Web). 2020. 2020
木富悠花, 半澤栄子, 久家徳之, 井上晴彦, 原奈穂, 河合佐和子, 菅野徳子, 遠藤真咲, 杉本和彦, 山崎俊正, et al. 地表根遺伝子qSOR1の同定と塩害水田向け品種育成への利用. 農研機構次世代作物開発研究センター成果情報(Web). 2020. 2020
竹内香純, 土屋渉, 藤本瑞, 山田小須弥, 染谷信孝, 山崎俊正. ゲノムマイニングによる植物保護細菌の抗菌性に寄与する新規タンパク質の同定. 農研機構生物機能利用研究部門成果情報(Web). 2020. 2020
宇賀優作, 木富悠花, 半澤栄子, 久家徳之, 井上晴彦, 原奈穂, 河合佐和子, 菅野徳子, 遠藤真咲, 杉本和彦, et al. A QTL for SOIL SURFACE ROOTING (qSOR1) belongs to an important gene family controlling root system architecture in rice. 育種学研究. 2020. 22
西村宜之, 土屋渉, MORESCO James, 林優紀, 佐藤浩二, 貝和菜穂美, 入佐知子, 木下俊則, SCHROEDER Julian I., YATES John R., III, et al. 植物の種子がアブシジン酸に応答する新たな仕組み. 農研機構次世代作物開発研究センター成果情報(Web). 2018. 2018
Education (2):
- - 1988 Tokyo Institute of Technology Science of Engineering
- - 1983 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering
Professional career (1):
Work history (11):
- 2021/04 - 現在 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
- 2018/04 - 2021/03 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Advanced Analysis Center, NARO
- 2016/04 - 2018/03 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Advanced Analysis Center, NARO
- 2015/04 - 2016/03 国立研究開発法人農業生物資源研究所 農業生物先端ゲノム研究センター生体分子研究ユニット ユニット長
- 2011/04 - 2015/03 National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
- 2006/04 - 2011/03 National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
- 2004/04 - 2006/03 National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
- 2001/04 - 2004/03 National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
- 1994/10 - 2001/03 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
- 1991/08 - 1994/09 米国国立保健衛生研究所 客員上級研究員
- 1988/06 - 1991/08 米国カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校 博士研究員
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本核磁気共鳴学会
, 日本ペプチド学会
, 日本高分子学会
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