J-GLOBAL ID:200901046368447976
Update date: Apr. 17, 2024
Aoyama Takashi
アオヤマ タカシ | Aoyama Takashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Crystal engineering
, Applied materials
Research keywords (6):
, 半導体材料・プロセス
, 電子物性
, electron microscopy
, crystal growth
, electronic properties
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 薄膜結晶成長、評価技術
- Widegap Semiconductors for LEDs
MISC (25):
Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Yasunori Chonan, Manabu Oda, Takao Komiyama, Takashi Aoyama, Shigeaki Sugiyama. Thermoelectric Properties of ZnO Ceramics Co-Doped with Al and Transition Metals. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS. 2011. 40. 5. 723-727
Kei Asano, Shingo Doi, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Takao Komiyama, Yasunori Chonan, Takashi Aoyama. Magnetic properties of ZnO:V films formed by pulsed laser deposition with bias voltage application. JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A. 2011. 29. 3. 03A119-1
Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Yasunori Chonan, Manabu Oda, Takao Komiyama, Takashi Aoyama, Shigeaki Sugiyama. Thermoelectric Properties of ZnO Ceramics Co-Doped with Al and Transition Metals. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS. 2011. 40. 5. 723-727
Kei Asano, Shingo Doi, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Takao Komiyama, Yasunori Chonan, Takashi Aoyama. Magnetic properties of ZnO:V films formed by pulsed laser deposition with bias voltage application. JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A. 2011. 29. 3. 03A119
Kazuhiro Sasaki, Takao Komiyama, Yasunori Chonan, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Takashi Aoyama. Photoluminescence and diode characteristic of ZnO thin films/junctions fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 7, NO 2. 2010. 7. 2. 468-471
Patents (5):
Education (6):
- - 1977 The University of Tokyo
- - 1977 The University of Tokyo
- - 1975 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
- The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
- The University of Tokyo
- The University of Tokyo
Show all
Professional career (2):
- Semiconductor Crystal Growth from Vapor, Liquid and Solid phases (The University of Tokyo)
- 理学博士 (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (3):
- 1977 - 2001 日立製作所 日立研究所
- 1982 - 1984 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 日立製作所 日立研究所
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 応用物理学会
, 応用物理学会
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