J-GLOBAL ID:200901046510034471
Update date: Apr. 23, 2015
Saeki Namie
サエキ ナミエ | Saeki Namie
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
, Foreign language education
, Foreign language education
Research keywords (9):
Dramatic performance
, Computer Assisted Language Learning(CALL)
, Speech Communication
, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
, Cross-cultural communication
, Listening
, English Pronunciation
, Overseas Study Support
, 英語教授法
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 1996 - 身体リズム運動法を利用した英語音声教育の効果
- 1993 - ドラマティック・パフォーマンスの第二言語習得における有効性とその英語コミュニケーション教育への応用
- 英語の教材開発
- マルチメディアCALLを導入した英語教育の試み
- Material development of English Education
- Teaching English Using Multimedia CALL
- Using Movement in Pronunciation Training
- Effects and Application of Dramatic Performance on Teaching English to Japanese Students
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MISC (39):
Using Musical Theater for Foreign Language Learning. The 34th TESOL Annual Convention and Exposition,New York,USA. 2000
Interactive Theatre and Its Application to English as a Foreign Language. JACET Bulletin. 2000. 31. 1-20
英語語彙学習ソフト(Root)の開発と実践. 99 PC Conference予稿集. 1999. 226-228
Activating Musical Ability to Improve Pronunciation(Part 2). The 33rd TESOL Annual Convention and Exposition,New York,USA. 1999
Activating Musical Ability to Improve Pronunciation(Part 1). The 33rd TESOL Annual Convention and Exposition,New York,USA. 1999
Books (9):
三修社 2002
Process-oriented Approaches to Oral Communication
Sanshusha 2002
文英堂 1997
成美堂 1994
Information Science and Foreign Language Education
Seibi-do 1994
Education (6):
Professional career (2):
- Master of Arts (Southern Illinois University (USA))
- Master of Education (Harvard University (USA))
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