J-GLOBAL ID:200901047019845340
Update date: Sep. 13, 2022
Matsumoto Sadamu
マツモト サダム | Matsumoto Sadamu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Chief Researcher
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (5):
Science education
, Biological resource conservation
, Horticulture
, Evolutionary biology
, Biodiversity and systematics
Research keywords (26):
, シダ類
, バヌアツ
, 被子植物
, 植物相
, フラボノイド
, 陸上植物
, 熱帯山地雲霧林
, 化学分類学
, 植物の系統形成
, 反復DNA配列
, 熱帯山地雲霧林帯
, オニヤブソテツ
, 種子(胚珠)
, 保全
, シダ植物
, 核型
, 種間変異
, 受精様式
, 地理的変異
, 科学教育
, 種内変異
, 染色体の蛍光分染
, ヤブソテツ属
, シダ植物の細胞分類
, Cytotaxonomy of Pteridophyta
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2001 - 2011 オニヤブソテツ類(オシダ科)の繁殖戦略と種分化
- 2001 - 2011 Reproductive strategy and Speciation of Cyrtomium falcatum complex, Dryopteridaceae
- 1996 - 2011 アジア産ヤブソテツ属(オシダ科)のゲノム構造と分類
- 1996 - 2011 Cytotaxonomic study on Asian Cyrtomium(/)- (/)- (Dryopteridaceae).
- 1987 - 2011 アジア及び太平洋地域産シダ植物の分類学的研究
- 1987 - 2011 Cytotaxonomic Studies of Asia and Pacific Pteridophyta
- 1980 - 2011 Conservation of endangered pteridophytes in Tsukuba Botanical Garden
- 2001 - 2005 伊豆須崎の維管束植物相
- 2001 - 2005 Vascular plant flora of Suzaki, Izu Peninsula, Central Japan
- 絶滅危惧シダ植物の保全
Show all
MISC (34):
Works (18):
2000 - 2001
Flavonoid Variation on Genus <i>Cyrtomium</i> (Dryopteridaceae)
2000 - 2001
2001 -
2001 -
Studies and Investingations of Envronmental Change Based on Historical Comparison of Fauna and Flora in the Sea of Sagami and the Coast
2001 -
Education (4):
- - 1971 Tokyo University of Agriculture
- - 1971 Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
- - 1969 Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture
- - 1969 Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (2):
- Master of Agriculture (Tokyo University of Agriculture)
- Doctor of Environmental Control in Biology (Tokyo University of Agriculture)
Work history (12):
- 2010 - National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo Department of Botany
- 1995 - 2001 National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo Tsukuba Research Center
- 1995 - 2001 Tsukuba Botanical Garden, National Science
- 1978 - 1995 National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo Tsukuba Botanical Garden
- 1978 - 1995 Tsukuba Botanical Garden, National Science
- 1972 - 1978 Shizuoka University
- 1972 - 1978 Shizuoka University, Research Assistant
- 1971 - 1972 (財)進化生物学研究所 研究生
- 1971 - 1972 Research Institute of Evolutionary Biology,
- Museum, Senior Curator
- Museum, Curator
- Research Student
Show all
Committee career (1):
Awards (1):
- 1994 - 第30回秩父宮記念学術賞(ヒマラヤの隠花植物の調査研究)
Association Membership(s) (8):
International Association for Plant Taxonomy
, British Pteridological Society
, American Fern Society
, 日本シダ学会
, 植物地理・分類学会
, 種生物学会
, 日本植物分類学会
, 日本植物学会
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