J-GLOBAL ID:200901047135630068
Update date: Sep. 28, 2024
Yumoto Takakazu
ユモト タカカズ | Yumoto Takakazu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (3):
, 生態学
, Tropical Ecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (33):
- 2019 - 2022 Exploration into Biotic Interactions which Drive the Water-land Linkage in Amazonian Flooded Forests
- 2018 - 2022 観光地域における資源戦略のための地域資源の高度利用プロセスの研究
- 2016 - 2019 Ecological study of the African great apes under human disturbance
- 2014 - 2019 Resilience study of tourism governance based on biocultural diversity of the local area
- 2014 - 2017 Designing payment for ecosystem services to harmonize agriculture and environment in southeast Asia
- 2012 - 2017 Community structure and evolution of African great apes
- 2013 - 2016 Comparison of Primate Communities Including Great Apes and Forest Structure
- 2006 - 2010 日本列島における人間ー自然相互関係の歴史的・文化的検討
- 2006 - 2009 Study on the change of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems using environmental isotope traceability method
- 2004 - 2006 Coexistence and co-evolution of the great apes and humans in the African tropical forest
- 2003 - 2006 Global study of dynamics between phenology of fruits and frugivorous birds in changing environment.
- 2002 - 2004 Analyses on the pollination system of tree species with various regeneration characteristics
- 2001 - 2004 Verification of top-down effects in the tropical forest ecosystems of South-eastern Asia
- 2000 - 2003 Socioecological Studies on Coexistence and Coevolution of the Great Apes and Humans
- 2002 - 2002 環境変動に対する果実の結実フェノロジーと種子散布者の適応戦略に関する共同研究
- 2000 - 2002 Political Ecology of Mekong River Development
- 1999 - 2001 Leaf turn-over rate of forest trees in tropical mountain forests
- 1998 - 2000 Inventory systems for conservation of tropical rainforest
- 1996 - 1998 Coevolution and Coexistece Mechanism of African Great Apes
- 1996 - 1998 Leaf phenology of trees in the humid tropical mountains.
- 1995 - 1997 Environmental Fluctuation and Biodynamics in the Monsoon Asia
- 1994 - 1996 Biodiversity in the canopy of tropical rainforests
- 1995 - 1995 照葉樹林を構成する樹木の展葉戦略と葉食性昆虫による被食圧の研究
- 1992 - 1993 Plant reproductive systems and animal seasonal dynamics - Long-term study of dipterocarp forests in Sarawak -
- 1990 - 1992 Field studies on the chronological social structure of New World monkeys and the dynamics of neotropical as their habitats
- 1989 - 1991 Inter-species relationships of African Primates in the tropical lowland and montane forests
- 1988 - 1988 植物の種子繁殖をめぐる動物との相互作用
- 1987 - 1987 熱帯性山地林におけるゴリラ,チンパンジー及び他種霊長類間の種間関係に関する総合研究
- 1985 - 共生概念の再検討
- 動物と植物の相互作用
- Process and dynamics of tropical ecosystem and green-house effect gas in Asia
- Global Change Impacts on terrestrial Ecosystems in Monsoon Asia
- Ecological Interaction between plants and animals
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Papers (126):
Ikki Matsuda, Chie Hashimoto, Hiroshi Ihobe, Takakazu Yumoto, Deborah Baranga, Marcus Clauss, Jürgen Hummel. Dietary Choices of a Foregut-Fermenting Primate, Colobus guereza: A Comprehensive Approach Including Leaf Chemical and Mechanical Properties, Digestibility and Abundance. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2022. 10
Ikki Matsuda, Hiroshi Ihobe, Yasuko Tashiro, Takakazu Yumoto, Deborah Baranga, Chie Hashimoto. The diet and feeding behavior of the black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza) in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda. PRIMATES. 2020. 61. 3. 473-484
Tsujino R, Kajisa T, Yumoto T. Causes and history of forest loss in Cambodia. International Forestry Review. 2019. 21. 3. 372-384
Imai Nobuo, Furukawa Takuya, Tsujino Riyou, Kitamura Shumpei, Yumoto Takakazu. Factors affecting forest area change in Southeast Asia during 1980-2010. PLOS ONE. 2018. 13. 5. e0197391
Nobuo Imai, Takuya Furukawa, Riyou Tsujino, Shumpei Kitamura, Takakazu Yumoto. Correction: Factors affecting forest area change in Southeast Asia during 1980-2010. PloS one. 2018. 13. 6. e0199908
MISC (24):
峠明杜, 早川卓志, 岡本宗裕, 橋本千絵, 湯本貴和. アフリカのオナガザル3種はおなじ昆虫を食べているか. 第64回日本生態学会. 2018
峠明杜, 早川卓志, 岡本宗裕, 橋本千絵, 湯本貴和. 行動観察と糞虫DNA分析から探る森林棲オナガザル属3種の昆虫食. プリマーテス研究会. 2018
oge A, Hayakawa T, Okamoto M, Hashimoto C, Yumoto T. DNA metabarcodingreveals diet overlapamong sympatric three species offorest guenons (Cercopithecus spp.). 2017
峠明杜, 早川卓志, 岡本宗裕, 橋本千絵, 湯本貴和. カリンズ森林に同所的に棲息するグエノン3種の食性比較 ~昆虫食に注目して~. プリマーテス研究会. 2017
石丸恵利子, 覚張隆史, SHIN Ki-Cheol, 米田穣, 陀安一郎, 中野孝教, 湯本貴和. 関東地域における縄文時代の漁撈域・狩猟域-炭素・窒素およびストロンチウム同位体分析による検討-. 日本文化財科学会大会研究発表要旨集. 2016. 33rd. 326-327
Books (58):
昭和堂 2020
岩波書店 2020
ブラジル旅行記 世界最大の熱帯湿原パンタナールを行く「青淵」853
渋沢栄一記念財団 2020
講談社 2020 ISBN:9784065187227
学研プラス 2019 ISBN:9784052049071
Lectures and oral presentations (39):
(「オランウータン保護と植林活動」健康フォーラム 2020)
(ダーウィンルーム第15回「料理の人類学入門」 2020)
(ダーウィンルーム第14回「料理の人類学入門」 2020)
(ダーウィンルーム「植物が育む豊かな共生の世界」5 2020)
フィールドミュージアム構想による アマゾンの生物多様性保全
(日伯フォーラム 2020)
Education (4):
- - 1987 Kyoto University
- - 1987 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1982 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
- - 1982 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Work history (5):
- 2012/04 - 現在 Kyoto University Primate Research Institute Professor
- 2003/04 - 2012/03 Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Research Department Professor
- 1994 - 2003 Kyoto University Center for Ecological Research
- 1992 - 1994 Kobe University Faculty of Science
- 1989 - 1992 Kobe University
Committee career (8):
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本アフリカ学会
, 種生物学会
, 日本植物学会
, 日本生態学会
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