J-GLOBAL ID:200901047424553985
Update date: Aug. 25, 2022
Ogata Yasushi
オガタ ヤスシ | Ogata Yasushi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
History of thought
Research keywords (1):
chinese intellectual history
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
Papers (71):
OGATA YASUSHI. The History of Chinese Civilization by Liu Zhongjing (Translation and Commentary). Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Kobe University. 2019. 46. 1-46
OGATA YASUSHI. 人はいつも歴史の真実をみようと願っているか 1898年の戊戌の変法から考える. 歴史の見方・考え方 大学で学ぶ「考える歴史」. 2018. 90-103
OGATA YASUSHI. The Cotext of Political Theology in the Discourse of the Japanese Confucianism by Maruyma Masao. Journal of Hangzhou Normal University, Humanities and Social Sciences. 2018. 40. 2
OGATA YASUSHI. Dream of "Chinese Renaissance" in the Intellectual History of Modern China and its Significance. Journal of East China Normal University, Humanities and Social Sciences. 2017. 49. 4. 44-54
OGATA YASUSHI. 中国社会理論は何を前景化したのか?--市民社会と公民社会をめぐる論争二十五年史. 現代中国と市民社会----普遍的《近代》の可能性. 2017. 511-535
MISC (60):
OGATA YASUSHI. NAKAMURA Motoya, The Genealogy of Liberalism in China. (Book Reviews). Journal of Historical Studies. 2019. 986. 52-55
OGATA YASUSHI. The Research Intention of Takegami Mariko: A Bilateral Right in Bio-Worlde and Bio-Politics. Sun Yat-sen Studies. 2018. 62. 43-55
OGATA YASUSHI. 日本型リベラリズムの実践的起動力----飯田泰三『大正知識人の思想風景』を読む. Sun Yat-sen Studies. 2017. 61. 60-65
OGATA YASUSHI. ”東亜儒学研究的視野与方法:論弁与省思”研討会発言記録. 東亜儒学問題省思. 2017. 203-240
OGATA YASUSHI. 重新解読近代中国民族国家思潮----民国初期囲繞帝国共和与秘密会党的争論. 郷土、移民与国家----近代中国学術研究営講義集. 2017. 610-654
Books (45):
集広舎 2018 ISBN:9784904213605
歴史の見方・考え方 大学で学ぶ「考える歴史」
山川出版社 2018 ISBN:9784634640894
汲古書院 2017 ISBN:9784762966019
復旦大学上海儒学院・復旦大学哲学学院 2017
生活・読書・新知三聯書店 2017 ISBN:9787108061171
Lectures and oral presentations (18):
The Eye to Periphery, the Eye from Periphery: The May Fourth Mouvement and the Taisho Modernism
(The Society for the Memory of Professor Kokusyo (The 21th Anniversary of Terakoya) 2019)
From Bio-Control to Bio-Liberation: The Experience of Michel Foucaut's Zen Buddism and the Search for Mysticism of Modern China and Japan
(2019 Forum and Conference of Biological Education and General Education 2019)
Imaginary Coservatism: Another Idea of Enlightenment of the May Fourth Movement
(International Conference to Mark the Contennial Anniversary of the May Fourth Movement 2019)
(山東大学外国語学院学術講座 2017)
(山東・東亜人文系列講座01 2017)
Education (1):
- - 1990 東京大学 大学院人文科学研究科博士課程中国哲学専攻修了
Professional career (2):
Committee career (2):
Awards (1):
- 1996/06 - アジア経済研究所 発展途上国研究奨励賞 危機のディスクール----中国革命1926=1929
Association Membership(s) (2):
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