J-GLOBAL ID:200901047880794382   Update date: Jul. 31, 2024

Watanabe Makiko

ワタナベ マキコ | Watanabe Makiko
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Plant nutrition, soil science ,  Human geoscience
Research keywords  (6): 自然地理学 ,  環境動態解析 ,  土壌科学 ,  physical geography ,  comparative humus chemistry ,  soil science
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (19):
  • 2017 - 2020 Relation between heavy metal properties in sclerotia grains and soil environment
  • 2013 - 2016 Role elucidation of quinones contained in sclerotia grains of Cenococcum geophilum
  • 2013 - 2016 Study on a natural cleaning mechanism of pollutants in the water system of Lake Baikal.
  • 2011 - 2016 Coevolution of desertification and human activities in Kharga oasis, Western desert, Egypt
  • 2011 - 2012 Development of fossil perylene as a new indicator for reconstruction of past environment
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Papers (86):
  • Tanino Kikuko, Hosono Mamoru, Watanabe Makiko. Role of aggregates in the forming process of tephric loess dunes distributed along the Pacific coast of eastern Japan. The Holocene. 2024
  • Khulan Nyamsanjaa, Akira Genseki, Tomohiro Hatano, Bolormaa Oyuntsetseg, Kazuhiko Narisawa, Makiko Watanabe. Accumulation of aluminium and arsenic in Cenococcum geophilum sclerotia from forest soil affected by mining smoke. Chemistry and Ecology. 2024. 40. 3. 276-291
  • Ulrike Maria Hardenbicker, Christina L. Kelly, Makiko Watanabe, Roberta Kotowich. Alluvial fan development during the Holocene in the Qu'Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien. 2022. 66. 2. 353-368
  • Khulan Nyamsanjaa, Bolormaa Oyuntsetseg, Yusuke Takashima, Nobuo Sakagami, Makiko Watanabe. Characteristics of Cenococcum geophilum sclerotia found in steppe forest soil in Mongolia. Journal of Forest Research. 2021. 27. 1. 76-82
  • Makiko Watanabe. Sclerotia Grains in Soil. 2021
MISC (197):
  • Murata T, Kawai N, Endo T, Yano M, Tashiro T, Watanabe M. Soil properties of the earthworks in the Insitute for Nature Study, Part 2 - Vertical profiles of soil chemical properties-. Miscellaneous reports of the Institute for Nature Study. 2023. 55. 43-52
  • Watanabe M, Akasaka I, Tashiro T, Osada T, Murata T, Endo T. Characteristics of soil erosion on upland margin slopes in the Institute for Nature Study. Miscellaneous reports of the Institute for Nature Study. 2022. 54. 27-36
  • 村田 智吉, 川井 伸郎, 遠藤 拓洋, 矢野 亮, 田邊 玲奈, 渡邊 眞紀子. 自然教育園内に存在する土塁の土質特性-Soil properties of the earthworks in the Institute for Nature Study. 自然教育園報告 = Miscellaneous reports of the Institute for Nature Study / 国立科学博物館附属自然教育園 編. 2021. 53. 43-48
  • Osada T, Tashiro T, Murata T, Endo T, Watanabe M. Analysis of the topographical variations on the earthwork slope in the Institute for Nature Study. Miscellaneous reports of the Institute for Nature Study. 2021. 53. 49-54
  • Geomorphological properties of the earthworks in the Institute for Nature Study. Miscellaneous reports of the Institute for Nature Study. 2020. 52. 7-12
Patents (1):
  • 土壌の膨潤性の評価手法
Books (16):
  • 世界の生態系で何がおきているのか?-リモートセンシングで探る世界の問題生態系-
    日本リモートセンシング学会 問題生態系計測研究会 2024 ISBN:9784600013882
  • The Encyclopedia of Geography
    Maruzen publishing co.jp 2023 ISBN:9784621307939
  • 100 Regional Problems in the World
    Nakanishiya 2021 ISBN:9784779516139
  • 地の理の学び方 地域のさまざまな見方・考え方
    二宮書店 2021 ISBN:9784817604637
  • Sclerotia Grains in Soils -A New Perspective from Pedosclerotiology
    Springer, Singapore 2021
Lectures and oral presentations  (3):
  • Environmental studies in soil. Prespectives of bridging chemistry and biology and geosciences in multi-scales.
    (The 6th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Research and Development in Chemistry 2018)
  • Characteristics of heat and water transfer in man-made soils in urban area
    (Japan Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Symposium"Technogenicsoils developed on settlements, soil formation, properties and utilization" 2014)
  • ALOS画像を用いたエジプト西方沙漠ハルガオアシスの水環境地図
    (計測自動制御学会リモートセンシング部会シンポジウム 2011)
Education (4):
  • - 1989 Ochanomizu University
  • - 1989 Ochanomizu University Graduate School, Doctral Research Course in Human Culture
  • - 1979 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Letters and Education
  • - 1979 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Letters and Education
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Philosophy
Work history (11):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Tokyo Metropolitan University
  • 2010/04 - 現在 Alliance for Research on the Mediterranean and North Africa, University of Tsukuba Material, Energy and Environment Domestic Collaborative Researcher
  • 2008/04 - 2022/03 Tokyo Metropolitan University Professor
  • 2016/08 - 2016/09 University of Regina Visiting Professor
  • 2002/12 - 2010/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Professor
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Committee career (9):
  • 2021/10 - 現在 東京都 ECO-TOPプログラム認定検討会委員
  • 2015/04 - 2023/04 農林水産省 国立研究開発法人審議会 専門委員
  • 2007/06 - 2023/03 国立科学博物館附属自然教育園 運営委員
  • 1999/05 - 2018/04 日本リモートセンシング学会 評議員
  • 2005/08 - 2015/08 日本第四紀学会 評議員
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Awards (1):
  • 2012/10 - 財団法人 河川環境管理財団 理事長賞 利根川下流河道における細粒底質の動態と質的変化に関する調査
Association Membership(s) (3):
JAPAN GEOSCIENCE UNION ,  Geochemistry Society ,  日本地理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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