Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2020 - 2024 The Origins of 19th Century Populism In North America
2019 - 2024 The Integrated Study of the American Revolution and Abolitionism, seen from the Land and the Sea
2016 - 2020 Global Circulation of Seafaring People in the 18th and 19th centuries
2015 - 2019 The Integrated Study on Transatlantic Abolitionism and "American System"
2012 - 2017 Maritime Literacy among Seafaring Men in the 18th and 19th century Atlantic Ocean: in the Cultural Perspective
2011 - 2015 Studies of American Citizenship in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
2007 - 2009 Female Historians and the Transformation of Print Culture in Modern America
The study of the American Revolution and Cultural Transformations in the Early Republic
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Papers (11):
HIGOMOTO Yoshio. Abolitionism and the Print Culture in Jacksonian America: The Divergent Public Spheres Shaped by Debates over the Free Press and the Right to Petition. American History. 2018. 41. 4-20
Republicanism, Anti-Authoritarianism, and Immigration in the Early American Republic : The Alien and Sedition Acts Revisited. 2017. 第8号. 21-43
John L. Brooke, Columbia Rising: Civil Life on the Upper Hudson from the Revolution to the Age of Jackson (University of North Carolina Press, 2010). 2014. 14. 14. 161-68
Anti-abolition Riots and the "Communication Revolution" in Jacksonian America. American History. 2013. 36. 24-42
肥後本 芳男. 書評 アメリカ史における「アンテベラム期」の位置 : 政治文化の源流と統合解釈の可能性 Daniel Walker Howe, What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848、John Lauritz Larson, The Market Revolution in America: Liberty, Ambition, and the Eclipse of the Common Good. アメリカ史評論. 2012. 29. 65-74
Life, Power, and Knowledges: Global Circulation of European and American Seafarers in the Modern World
Kwansei Gakuin University Press 2023 ISBN:9784862833464
American Studies Now: Crises and Hopes
Sairyusha 2023 ISBN:9784779128783
11 American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America
- 1992 Brown University Graduate School of History
- 1990 Hiroshima University
- 1990 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences
- 1988 ブラウン大学 歴史学部
- 1988 Brown University Graduate School of History
- 1986 Hiroshima University
- 1986 Hiroshima University -
- 1982 Hiroshima University School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
- 1982 Hiroshima University Faculty of General Science
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Professional career (3):
Ph.D. (Brown University)
A.M. (Brown University)
Master of International Relations (Hiroshima University)
Committee career (6):
2004/11 - 現在 Kansai Association of American Historians The American History Review, Editorial Board
2014/09 - 2015/09 The Japanese Association of American History chief editor, editorial board
2013 - 日本アメリカ史学会 幹事会委員 2006-08, 編集副代表
2008 - アメリカ学会 評議員
2008 - The Japanese Association for American Studies The board member
2003 - 中・四国アメリカ学会 理事
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Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本アメリカ史学会
, 中・四国アメリカ学会
, アメリカ学会
, Organization of American Historians(OAH)
, The Japanese Association for American History
, The Japanese Association for American Studies
, Organization of American Historians(OAH)