J-GLOBAL ID:200901048133038680
Update date: Jun. 18, 2008
Terada Masaharu
テラダ マサハル | Terada Masaharu
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Civil law
Research keywords (1):
Civil Law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 眺望利益と受任限度論の研究
- 債権者担保保存義務の研究
- Study on Leagal interest of view
- Study on Obiligation of creditor for security
MISC (33):
譲渡禁止特約件債権と重過失ある第三者. 有斐閣 民法判例百選(]G0025[)第5版 別冊ジュリスト. 2001. 160. 64
解除による原状回復義務と保証人の責任. 有斐閣 民法判例百選(]G0025[) 第5版 別冊ジュリスト. 2001. 160. 58
A chose in action whose negotiability is prohibited by a conscent of a party and gross negligence of a assignee. 2001. 160. 64
An obliqation of restitution on ground of dissolution and a liability of guarantor. 2001. 160. 58
金融機関の担保管理における債権者担保保存義務免除特約の適用とその限界. 大阪市立大学証券研究年報. 2000. 14. 35-53
Books (12):
三省堂 1999
民法の基本判例<第二版> 1999
Study on relation of the exoneration right and the subrogated chose in action
Basic jurisprudences of Civil Law <2nd ed. > 1999
裁判実務大系28震災関係訴訟法/青林書院 1998
Cancellation of land lease on ground of non-using and liquidation of quid pro quo
Works of judicial practices 28 Laws of civil process on the dispute caused by earthquake 1998
Works (1):
How to study the law of obligation
1988 -
Education (4):
- - 1974 Osaka City University
- - 1974 Osaka City University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1969 Osaka City University Faculty of Law
- - 1969 Osaka City University Faculty of Law
Professional career (1):
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本法社会学会
, 日本土地法学会
, 日本私法学会
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