J-GLOBAL ID:200901048549811770   Update date: Dec. 12, 2024

Eto Kaoru

エトウ カオル | Eto Kaoru
Affiliation and department:
Job title: special researcher
Research field  (1): Educational technology
Research keywords  (9): Knowledge Management ,  Knowledge Processing ,  Nursing care information ,  モデリング支援システム ,  知的CAI ,  インストラクションシステム ,  Modeling support System ,  Inteligent CAI ,  Instruction System
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2016 - 2019 The brain activation effects of screen background colors on learning with a tablet computer for the elderly
  • 2014 - 2017 脳活性から検証するアロマ・フットケアが及ぼす身体効果
  • 2011 - 2013 Effects of Background Colors on Computer-Based English Tests from a Brain Activation Perspective
  • 2008 - 2010 ケアマネジメント教育におけるノウハウ情報共有・活用効果の検証
  • 2006 - 2007 ケアマネジメントにおける知識管理・共有・伝承を指向した教育支援システムの研究開発
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Papers (27):
  • Ryohei Arai, Hiroshi Takase, Kaoru Eto, Toshiyasu Kato, Kiyomi Ito, Tomoko Iwata. Development of a support system for acquiring movement skills for foot care massage using IoT technology. Procedia Computer Science. 2024. 246. 1640-1648
  • Toshiyasu Kato, Hiroshi Takase, Kaoru Eto, Kiyomi Ito, Tomoko Iwata. Development of a support system for learning foot massage movement skills using IoT technology. Procedia Computer Science. 2022. 207. 3430-3438
  • 江藤香, 高瀬浩史, 松田洋, 山崎敦子, 吉田廣子, 伊藤きよみ, 荻原美智恵, 佐伯喜久子, 清水暁彦. 3DCG映像を用いた介助技術の習得支援教材の開発. 電子情報通信学会論文誌. 2018. J101-D. 6. 854-863
  • Kaoru Eto, Hiroshi Takase, Hiroshi Matsuda, Atsuko Yamazaki, Hiroko Yoshida, Kiyomi Ito, Chiemi Ogiwara, Ikuko Saeki, Akihiko Shimizu, Suopor Hiranchiracheep. Development of web-based learning materials to support assisting-skill acquisition using 3DCG. Procedia Computer Science. 2018. 126. 1710-1719
  • Muhammad Nur Adilin Mohd Anuardi, Atsuko K. Yamazaki, Kaoru Eto. A Pre-Analysis of the Effect of White, Blue and Green Background Colours on Working Memory in a Reading Span Task. Procedia Computer Science. 2018. 126. 1847-1854
MISC (72):
  • 加藤, 利康, よしこ, たなか, 吉岡, 亨, 江藤, 香. 大学遠隔授業による情報リテラシー科目の取り組み報告. 第83回全国大会講演論文集. 2021. 2021. 1. 299-300
  • Kaoru Eto, Hiroshi Matsuda, Atsuko Yamazaki, Hiroko Yoshida, Kiyomi Ito, Akihiko Shimizu. Development of learning materials to support assisting-skill acquisition using 3DCG(Researches and Overseas Activities,Research Reports). 2017. 47. 1. 230-231
  • Kaoru Eto, Hiroshi Matsuda, Hiroshi Takase, Atsuko Yamazaki, Hiroko Yoshida, Kiyomi Ito, Michie Ogiwara, Kikuko Saeki, Akihiko Shimizu. Development of learning materials to support assisting-skill acquisition by using 3DCG(Researches and Overseas Activities). 2017. 46. 4. 56-57
  • Arai Ryoji, Suzuki Yumi, Takase Hiroshi, Matsuda Hiroshi, Eto Kaoru. H-2-23 Development of web-based learning system to support assisting-skill acquisition by using 3 DCG. Proceedings of the IEICE Engineering Sciences Society/NOLTA Society Conference. 2016. 2016. 285-285
  • Yonekura Keita, Eto Kaoru. A-15-26 An analysis of effect on a body by the aroma oil massage in foot care using near-infrared spectroscopy. Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference. 2015. 2015. 216-216
Books (2):
  • クラスター分析とその応用
    内田老鶴圃 1988
Lectures and oral presentations  (20):
  • Development of Learning Materials to Support Assisting-skill acquisition by using 3DCG
  • A Neurological Study of Background Colour Effects on The Working Memory Areas of The Brain by Using NIRS
  • Verification of Brain Activation with foot massage in the frontal robe of elderly people by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
  • 3DCG映像を用いたケア技術習得支援Webシステム
    (第20回日本医療情報学会春季学術大会 2016)
  • 3DCG 映像を用いたケア技術習得支援WEB システムの開発
    (電子情報通信学会総合大会 2016)
Works (2):
  • 郵便貯金の地方還元と金融の地域構造の分析 郵政省委託研究
    1982 -
  • Local Restoration of Postal Savings and Analysis of Local area structure of monetary system. Reseaches Commissioned by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.
    1982 -
Education (6):
  • - 2001 The University of Electro-Communications
  • - 2001 The University of Electro-Communications Graduate School, Division of Information Systems
  • - 1979 Soka University Graduate School of Economics
  • - 1979 Soka University Graduate School, Division of Economics
  • - 1976 Soka University Faculty of Economics
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Professional career (2):
  • (BLANK)
  • 博士(学術) (電気通信大学)
Association Membership(s) (5):
日本医療情報学会 ,  電子情報通信学会 ,  教育システム情報学会 ,  人工知能学会 ,  情報処理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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