J-GLOBAL ID:200901048909945837
Update date: Jan. 22, 2006
Kitai Toshio
キタイ トシオ | Kitai Toshio
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
History - Japan
Research keywords (2):
, Medieval History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 日本中世社会史の研究
- Study on Social History
MISC (36):
戦国・織豊期の石清水八幡宮寺と境内都市-その組織と構成を中心に-. 国史学. 2004. 183
The Iwashimizu shrine and its compound city from the age of Wars to the Shoku-ho Period: The organization and construction. Kokushi-Gaku. 2004. 183
The Evolution of the Shinkoku's Theory in the Medieval Times. The Tochigi Journal of Japanese History. 2003. 17
The Transportation Oumi Province at the End of the Warring States Period. Historical Review of Transport and Communications. 2003. 52
中世「神国」論の展開. 栃木大学. 2003. 17
Books (10):
思文閣出版 1999
A study of the religion and economy in the End of the Medieval Ages
Shibunkakushuppan 1999
神主と神人の社会史(思文閣出版) 1998
One's economic activity of Jinin in Iwashimizu shrine
Social History of Jinin and Kannushi 1998
平凡社 講座 蓮如 1997
Education (2):
- - 1988 Kokugakuin University
- - 1988 Kokugakuin University Graduate School, Division of Letters
Professional career (2):
- (BLANK) (Kokugakuin University)
- Ph.D (Kokugakuin University)
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