J-GLOBAL ID:200901049958966714
Update date: Apr. 30, 2020
Takahashi Noriaki
タカハシ ノリアキ | Takahashi Noriaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Professor,Professor Emeritus, Osaka University,Director, Osaka Science Museum
Research field (2):
Mathematical physics and basic theory
, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (4):
, 原子核物理学
, Low Temperature Physics
, Nuclear Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2000 - 原子核反応と原子核分光
- 2000 - Nuclear Reactions and Nuclear Spectroscopy
- 1999 - 超流動ヘリウム中の不純物原子とイオン
- 1999 - Impurity Atoms and lons in Superfluid helium
MISC (12):
WX Huang, P Dendooven, K Gloos, N Takahashi, JP Pekola, J Aysto. Extraction of radioactive positive ions across the surface of superfluid helium: A new method to produce cold radioactive nuclear beams. EUROPHYSICS LETTERS. 2003. 63. 5. 687-693
WX Huang, P Dendooven, K Gloos, N Takahashi, JP Pekola, J Aysto. Extraction of radioactive positive ions across the surface of superfluid helium: A new method to produce cold radioactive nuclear beams. EUROPHYSICS LETTERS. 2003. 63. 5. 687-693
N Takahashi, WX Huang, K Gloos, P Dendooven, JP Pekola, J Aysto. Production of zero energy radioactive beams through extraction across superfluid helium surface. PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER. 2003. 329. 1596-1597
Transport and extraction of radioactive ions stopped in superfluid heliun. EMIS۸4 Procedings. 2002
Transport and extraction of radioactive ions stopped in superfluid heliun. EMIS14 Procedings. 2002
Books (4):
Development of Polarized Radioctive Nuclear Beams
Polusion99 Polarized Nuclear Fusions 1999
Behavior of Radioactive Ions and Atoms in Superfluid Helium
Polusion99 Polarized Nuclear Fusions 1999
Physics of Snowballs -Impurity lons in Superfluid-Helium- (共著)
Nucleon Hadron Many Body System Oxford Science Publications 1999
Polarization Phenomena in Heavy-lon Reactions (共著)
Treatise on Heavy-lon Science 1985
Education (4):
- - 1964 Osaka University
- - 1964 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Nuclear and Cosmic Ray Physics
- - 1959 Osaka University School of Science Department of Physics
- - 1959 Osaka University Faculty of Science Physics
Professional career (2):
Committee career (6):
- 1994 - 2001 日本物理教育学会 支部長
- 2001 - 日本物理教育学会 近畿支部監査
- 1996 - 1999 日本物理教育学会 副会長
- 1998 - 日本物理学会 支部委員長
- 1994 - 日本物理教育学会 理事
- 日本物理学会 委員
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Association Membership(s) (2):
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