J-GLOBAL ID:200901050080798844
Update date: Oct. 15, 2024
Suzuki Sadahiro
スズキ サダヒロ | Suzuki Sadahiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (3):
Ochanomizu University
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures
Ochanomizu University
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures
Ochanomizu University
Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences Human Life Studies
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
Literature - General
, Art history
Research keywords (3):
Theory of Arts and Crafts
, Comparative Literature and Culture
, Comparative Study of Japanese Arts & Cultures
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2014 - 2016 「手応え」に関する越域的学際研究の試み
- 2011 - 2015 A Comparative Study of the Arts and Crafts and the Mingei Movements
- 2008 - 2010 バーナード・リーチと民藝運動に関する比較文化的研究
- 2007 - 2009 欧州・朝鮮・南洋航路を中心とする戦間期日本における旅行記の比較文化的研究
- 2005 - 2007 バーナード・リーチの生涯と芸術に関する比較文化的研究
- 2004 - 2006 工芸における伝統と革新:京都を中心とした職人産業の歴史的変遷と現状分析
- 2002 - 2004 バーナード・リーチの芸術に関する比較文化的研究
- A Mental Map of Modern Japan: A History of World Views Conceived by Modern Japan in the Period between 1905 and 1945
- The History of the British Studio Craft Movement
- Aspects of "Art for Life's Sake" in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Cultural Scenes
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Papers (14):
SUZUKI Sadahiro. A Study of Bernard Leach's Early Works: A Painted Bisque Doll from the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto Collection. Cross Sections. 2024. 11. 54-71
SUZUKI Sadahiro. A Study on Tile Jar and Tile: Nobori-gama in the Collection of the National Museum of Western Art: Attribution Considerations. The Journal of the National Museum of Western Art. 2024. 28. 41-50
OLDING Simon, SUZUKI Sadahiro. Bernard Leach: some unpublished etchings. Transactions / English Ceramic Circle. 2021. 31. 283-289
SUZUKI, Sadahiro. Formation of Aesthetic Gaze in Art Museums in Japan: In Case of the Shirakaba Society. Cultural Resources Studies. 2019. 17. 11-17
SUZUKI Sadahiro. ICT and the Humanities: Some Speculations on "Interdisciplinary Studies" and the Explication de Text. Hikaku Bungaku Kenkyu: Studies of Comparative Literature. 2017. 102. 86-97
MISC (26):
鈴木 禎宏. バーナード・リーチと民藝運動 生活造形による心の環境保護. 季刊民族学. 2023. 47. 1. 52-55
SUZUKI Sadahiro. Muneyoshi Yanagi and Kenkichi Tomimoto. Mingei. 2022. 829. 21-25
鈴木禎宏. もっと知りたい柳宗悦と民藝運動. 2021. 56-60
鈴木禎宏. もっと知りたい柳宗悦と民藝運動. 2021. 52-55
SUZUKI Sadahiro. Photography in Museum. Occasional Opinions on Visual Facts, Suda Memorial. 2019. 祝賀復刊記念. 53-55
Books (4):
Arte Contemporanea E-L
Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana 2021
Bernard Leach: Discovered Archives
Crafts Study Centre, University for the Creative Arts 2020
『欧州航路の文化誌 寄港地を読み解く』
青弓社 2017
ミネルヴァ書房 2006 ISBN:4623043045
Lectures and oral presentations (9):
(シンポジウム越境と往還 美術史研究の諸相 2024)
富本憲吉のバーナード・リーチ観 -リーチ作《楽焼飾壺》(1914 年)の評価をめぐって
(第66回 意匠学会大会 2024)
Kogei(Craft) in Modern and Contemporary Times
(シンポジウム「スマホで覗く美術館--鑑賞体験のゆくえ--」 2018)
(シンポジウム「アーツ・アンド・クラフツ運動と民藝運動」 2014)
Works (3):
「東洋美学・東洋的思惟」を問う: 自己認識の危機と将来への課題」(国際日本文化研究センター)
2008 - 2010
2003 - 2006
2001 - 2003
Education (3):
- 1996 - 1999 University of Tokyo
- - 1999 The University of Tokyo
- - 1994 The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences
Professional career (1):
Work history (9):
- 2021/04/01 - 現在 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences Human Life Studies Professor
- 2021/04/01 - 現在 Ochanomizu University Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures Professor
- 2021/04/01 - 現在 Ochanomizu University Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures Professor
- 2021/04/01 - 現在 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Core Research Humanities Division Professor
- 2021/04 - 現在 Ochanomizu University
- 2012/04 - 2021/03 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences Human Life Studies Associate Professor
- 2012/04 - 2021/03 Ochanomizu University Graduate School of Humanities and Scientes, Education Organization, Master's Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures Associate Professor
- 2012/04 - 2021/03 Ochanomizu University Graduate School of Humanities and Scientes, Education Organization, Doctral Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures Associate Professor
- 2012/04 - 2021/03 Ochanomizu University Graduate School of Humanities and Scientes, Research Organization, the Core Section The Cultural Sciences Division Associate Professor
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Committee career (3):
- 2016/07 - 2020/07 文化資源学会 会長
- 2012/07 - 2016/07 文化資源学会 理事
- 2007 - 2009 ジャポニスム学会 監事
Awards (3):
- 2007/06 - Japan Comparative Literature Association Japan Comparative Literature Association Prize The Life and Art of Bernard Leach(Minerva-shobo Publishing Co.)
- 2006/12 - The Society for the Study of Japonisme The Society for the Study of Japonisme Prize The Life and Art of Bernard Leach(Minerva-shobo Publishing Co.)
- 2006/12 - Suntory Foundation Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities The Life and Art of Bernard Leach(Minerva-shobo Publishing Co.)
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 意匠学会
, 文化資源学会
, 美術史学会
, ジャポニスム学会
, 日本比較文学会
, ICLA(International Comparative Literature Association)
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