J-GLOBAL ID:200901050150568418
Update date: Dec. 21, 2009 Kikuchi Yasushi
キクチ ヤスシ | Kikuchi Yasushi
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://classes.web.waseda.ac.jp/z-ykikuchi01/index.html Research keywords (3):
, 文化人類学(含民族学・民俗学)
, Social Anthropology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 開発人類学の理論形成
- 社会経済開発・発展へ社会人類学はどのように寄与できるか、また、すべきかを人類学的志向に基づいて研究
MISC (17): -
< Three Dimensional Graphic Evaluation Method in Development Anthropology>. 2004
Development Anthropology: Beyond Economics. 2004
< Beyond Filipino Kinship System- The emergence of Quasi-Corporate Group in Cognatic Society>. 2003
< Cultural Influence on Diagnosis and Treatment > Presented for The Mental and Psychological Care of Survivors of Violent Trauma in Multicultural World. 2002
< Science Based Strategies > Presented for Mental Health 21, Mental Health Policy and Recovery of Conflict/Post conflict Societies. 2002
more... Professional career (1): - Ed.D.(De La Salle University)
Association Membership(s) (3):
American Anthropological Association
, 国際開発学会
, 日本民族学会
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