Research field (4):
Social welfare
, Sociology
, Economic policy
, Politics
Research keywords (1):
African Area Studies, Political Sociology, Comparative Sociology
Papers (42):
Makoto Sato. Peace Images of Japanese people: viewed in light of the debates between the "Pluralists" and the "Solidalists" in the English School of International Relations. The Ritsumeikan Journal of International Studies. 2013. 25. 3. 231-249
Makoto Sato. Book Review: Africa and the World eds. by Kawabata and Ochiai. Journal of African Studies. 2012. 81. 63-67
佐藤誠. African Studies and Human Security Revisited. 『アフリカ研究』日本アフリカ学会. 2007. 71. 101-106
Makoto Sato. "Japan's Diplomacy towards Africa: Lessons from Historical Experiences". Perspectives on Growing Africa: from Japan and China. 2007. 1-11
佐藤誠. Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalization. 『いのちとくらし』非営利・協同総合研究所. 2006. 15. pp37-46
Migrant Care Workers: Japan, Asia and Africa
日本経済評論社 2010 ISBN:9784818821453
Diplomatic Investigations: Essays in the Theory of International Politics (Japanese translation)
日本経済評論社 2010 ISBN:9784818821378
Japan and Africa: globalization and foreign aid in the 21st century (An historical analysis of Japan's aid policy in Africa)
Routledge 2010 ISBN:9780415562171
Nursing and Care Migrant Workers in the Context of Human Security in Japan
(Workshop on Human Security and Migration:Southern Africa and Japan in Comparative Perspective 2008)
Human Security and Japanese Perception
(Globalization, Difference, and Human Security, organized by a Global COE Program: A Reseach Base for Conflict Studies in the Humanities, Osaka University 2008)
Japanese Perceptions of Security and their Dilemma: Human Security and National Security
(立命館大学国際関係学部創立20周年記念シンポジウム「グローバル化の行方と民主制の展望」 2007)
Human Security and Japanese Diplomacy: Debates on the Role of Human Security in Japanese Policy
(Seminar for Joint Research Project between University of Pretoria and Ritsumeikan University, at University of Pretoria, on 10th March 2006 2006)