2020 - 2023 Considerations, from the Perspective of Translation Studies, Regarding the History of German Translation Theories and Its Relationship to the History of German Thought
2014 - 2017 Comprehensive Study on Paradigms of Perception and Representation Systems in the European Avant-garde Movements
2011 - 2014 近代技術をめぐる思想史的コンテクストの諸相
2011 - 2013 Technology and perception in the German philosophical tradition
2008 - 2011 ソ連及び旧共産圏の文化におけるスターリン批判と雪解けに関する超域横断的研究
2007 - 2010 Study on the discourses of visual and haptic perception and interface of the media
2008 - 2010 A Transdisciplinary Study on the Cultures in the Soviet and Other Communist States during the Period of De-Stalinization and "Thaw"
2003 - 2006 Research in Junction of the Media Theories and the Allegorical Thought of Walter Benjamin
2002 - 2002 ベンヤミンのアレゴリー的思考
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Papers (38):
山口裕之. 声を翻訳する. 総合文化研究. 2023. 26. 70-82
Hiroyuki Yamaguchi. The Beginnings of the Stigma: Discourses on Germanness and the Paradoxical Situation Regarding Studies on German Translation Theories. Trans-cultural Studies. 2022. 25. 69-83
Hiroyuki Yamaguchi. „Homogenisierung des Fremden: Drei Phasen der literarischen Übersetzung in Japan“. Institut für Übersetzungsforschung zur deutschen und koreanischen Literatur. 25. Jahrestagung. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für deutschsprachige Kultur und Literatur der Seoul National University. 2018