J-GLOBAL ID:200901050783908188
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Nishimura Jun
ニシムラ ジュン | Nishimura Jun
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (2):
Theoretical economics
, Archaeology
Research keywords (3):
, 地域経済学
, Regional Economics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
- 1997 - 1997 パーソナルコンピュータによる古墳築造に使用された『ものさしの長さ』の推定
- 造営尺の推定
- オートポイエーシス,経済・社会システムの有機的構成
- 前方後円墳の築造規格
- 人口の最適配分
- Design of Square-front Round-back Tummli
- Autopoieisis, Organization of economic and social system
- Design of Square-front Round-back Tumuli
- Optimum Distribution of Population
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Papers (22):
JUN NISHIMURA, SHOGO NISHIMURA. Hypothesis Testing in Estimation for Ancient Linear Measures(2). 2021. 24. 44. 54-57
JUN NISHIMURA, SYOUGO NISHIMURA. Development of a Radius Estimation Program for Keyhole-shaped Tumuli. Papers and Proceedings of the Japan Association for Arhcaeoinformatics. 2020. 23. 43. 50-53
JUN NISHIMURA. Hypothesis Testing in Estimation for Ancient Linear Measures. Papers and Proceedings of the Japan Association for Archaeoinformatics. 2020. 23. 43. 45-49
西村 淳. 前方後円墳の築造規格の継承と変容. 日本情報考古学会第42回大会・講演論文集. 2019. 22. 42. 43-48
西村 淳. 前方後円墳の施工における基準点の標高と段築-五社神古墳の築造規格から-. 日本情報考古学会第41回大会・講演論文集. 2018. 21. 41. 53-57
MISC (43):
NISHIMURA Jun. Development of an Estimation Program for Ancient Linear Measures. Papers and Proceedings of the Japan Society for Archaeological Infomation. 2017. 19. 39. 30-34
JUN NISHIMURA. Analysis for the Construction Method of Keyhole-shaped Tumulus by Survey Map Using Airborne Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging(2). Papers and Proceedings of the Japan Society for Archaeological Infomation. 2015. 15. 35. 1-6
JUN NISHIMURA. Analysis for the Construction Method of Keyhole-shaped Tumulus by Survey Map Using Airborne Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging. Papers and Proceedings of the Japan Society for Archaeological Infomation. 2015. 14. 34. 21-26
JUN NISHIMURA. Reconsideration of Statistical Estimation of the Measures Used in Tumuli Constraction. Papers and Proceedings of the Japan Society for Archaeological Infomation. 2014. 13. 33. 5-11
NISHIMURA Jun. The Application Methods of Red Relief Image to the Designs of Tumulus. 2014. 12. 32. 7-12
Books (1):
ちょっと向学心 自分を磨くおもしろ技法(共著)
北海道新聞社 1997
Education (4):
- - 1986 University of Tsukuba
- - 1986 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Social Engineering
- - 1981 University of Tsukuba
- - 1981 University of Tsukuba
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (University of Tsukuba)
Work history (6):
- 2022/04 - 現在 Hakodate University
- 2008 - 現在 Hakodate University
- 1994 - 2008 Hakodate University
- 1994 - 2001 Hakodate University, Assistant Proffessor
- 1988 - 1994 Hakodate University
- 1988 - 1994 Hakodate University, Assistant Proffessor
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Committee career (2):
- 2014 - 現在 日本情報考古学会 理事
- 1998 - 2020/03 日本計量史学会 理事
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 考古学研究会
, 日本計量史学会
, 日本計画行政学会
, 理論・計量経済学会
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