J-GLOBAL ID:200901050919503993
Update date: Sep. 28, 2022 Oyama Kohichiro
オヤマ コウイチロウ | Oyama Kohichiro
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://www.ted.isas.ac.jp Research field (1):
Space and planetary science
Research keywords (2):
, Planetary Atmosphere Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 1998 - 下部電離圏のシミュレーション
- 1998 - Laboratory Simulation of Lowes Atomosphere
- 内部プラズマ圏の熱構造
- 窒素振動温度測定器の開発とE層の熱エネルギー収支に関する研究
- 火星の電波科学による大気研究
- Thermal structure of inner plasmasphere
- Development of the instrument to measure vibrational temperature of nitrogen and research on the E region energetics
- Research on Mars Atmosphere by Radio Science
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MISC (254): Books (3): - International Pefevence Lonosphere, COSPAR
International Reference Ionosphere 1991
- Defection of water group ions from comet Halley by means of Sakigake
Comet Halloy 1991
- 現代総合科学研究体系
講談社6章2節、進みゆく宇宙開発 1984
Works (7): -
2002 -
Behavior of Te during Geomagnetic storms
2002 -
1999 -
1989 - 1991
1988 - 1989
more... Education (2): - - 1965 Kagoshima University Faculty of Engineering
- - 1965 Kagoshima University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Science (The University of Tokyo)
Committee career (1): - 1990 - 日本惑星圏・地球電磁気学会 運営委員
Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (6):
, 原子衝突研究会
, ヨーロッパ地球物理学会(E・G・S)
, 米国地球物理連合(A・G・U)
, 日本惑星圏・地球電磁気学会
, 日本物理学会
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