J-GLOBAL ID:200901050991982030
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Fujimaki Yasunori
フジマキ ヤスノリ | Fujimaki Yasunori
Affiliation and department:
旧所属 長崎大学 熱帯医学研究所 病原体解析部門
About 旧所属 長崎大学 熱帯医学研究所 病原体解析部門
Search "旧所属 長崎大学 熱帯医学研究所 病原体解析部門"
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, Parasitology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
Development of a new drug against filarial adult worms
study on soil transmitted helminthiasis
Screening of antimacrofilaricidal drug from extracts of medicinal plants
Chemataxis of filarial infective larvae.
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MISC (35):
Dao To Quyen, Amalia V. Irei, Yuki Sato, Fusao Ota, Yasunori Fujimaki, Tohru Sakai, Daisuke Kunii, Nguyen Cong Khan, Shigeru Yamamoto. Nutritional factors, parasite infection and allergy in rural and suburban Vietnamese school children. Journal of Medical Investigation. 2004. 51. 3-4. 171-177
Serum IgE levels of tuberculosis patients in a tropical setup with high prevalence of HIV and intestinal parasitoses. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 2004. 138, 22-7
The involvement of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the control of schistosome miracidium cilia. J Parasitol. 2004. 90(1):8-14
NK Gunawardena, Y Fujimaki, Y Aoki. Chemotactic response of Brugia pahangi infective larvae to jird serum in vitro. PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH. 2003. 90. 4. 337-342
MV Weerasooriya, M Itoh, MPS Mudalige, XG Qiu, E Kimura, NK Gunawardena, Y Fujimaki. Human infection with Wuchereria bancrofti in Matara, Sri Lanka: the use, in parallel, of an ELISA to detect filaria-specific IgG(4) in urine and of ICT card tests to detect filarial antigen in whole blood. ANNALS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY. 2003. 97. 2. 179-185
Works (2):
2000 - 現在
1990 - 1992
Education (4):
- 1984 Hirosaki University
- 1984 Hirosaki University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
- 1980 Hirosaki University School of Medicine
- 1980 Hirosaki University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Work history (6):
1988 - 1993 Nagasaki University Institute of Tropical Medicine
1988 - 1993 Institute of Tropical Medicine,
1993 - - 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 講師
1993 - - Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Nagasaki University, Assistant Professor
Nagasaki University, Research Assistant
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Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本熱帯医学会
, 日本寄生虫学会
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