J-GLOBAL ID:200901051099995051
Update date: Aug. 25, 2020
Shimahara Yasuyuki
シマハラ ヤスユキ | Shimahara Yasuyuki
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Digestive surgery
, General surgery, pediatric surgery
Research keywords (4):
, 外科学一般
, gastrointestinal surgery
, general surgery
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 外科侵襲
- ショックの病態研究
- 肝臓外科
- Surgical stress
- pathophysiology of shock
- Liver Surgery
Show all
MISC (55):
Significance of serum typeIV collagen level of hepatictomijea patients with chronic liver disease. World J surgery. 2002. 26. 451-456
Significance of serum typeIV collagen level of hepatictomijea patients with chronic liver disease. World J surgery. 2002. 26. 451-456
肝の腫瘍性疾患-胆管細胞癌. 外科治療. 2000. 82. 921-925
T Morimoto, G Honda, Y Oh, N Ozaki, Y Iimuro, Y Yamamoto, Y Sakai, N Yamamoto, A Yamauchi, Ikai, I, et al. Management of adrenal metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by asynchronous resection of bilateral adrenal glands. JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY. 1999. 34. 1. 132-137
肝細胞癌副腎転移によるIVC腫瘍栓に対する血管内超音波装置の応用-2例報告. 1999. 29. 1273-1276
Books (18):
Liver failure and altered vital phenomena in relation to hepatic mitochondrial redox potential
Shock. From molecular and cellular level to whole body, Elsevior 1996
Hepatic mitochondrial reaox potential and its application in metabolic care and mutritional support in liver failure
Surgical Nutrition 2000-Strategies for the New Milenium, R. G. Landes Co. Austin 1995
文光堂,消化器診療プラクティス 1993
Works (43):
1998 -
1996 -
1996 -
Study of Assessment of stress caused by ischemia-reperfusion injury from the view point of glutathione metabolism
1996 -
Quantitative assessment of surgical stress based on cell death
1996 -
Education (2):
- - 1973 Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine
- - 1973 Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Work history (6):
- 1997 - 2002 Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine
- 1997 - 2002 Associate Peofessor, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto Univ.
- 1993 - 1997 Ehime University School of Medicine
- 1993 - 1997 Associate Peofessor, Faculty of Medicine, Ehime Univ.
- 1987 - 1992 Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine
- 1987 - 1992 Assistant Peofessor, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto Univ.
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Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本肝臓学会
, 日本癌治療学会
, 日本臨床外科学会
, 日本消化器病学会
, 日本消化器外科学会
, 日本外科学会
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