Kiyomitsu Oyanagi, Hiroshi Shimizu, Mitsunori Yamada, Akiyoshi Kakita. The neostriatum in polyglutamine diseases: preferential decreases in large neurons in dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy and Machado-Joseph disease and in small neurons in Huntington disease. Neuropathology. 2022. 42. 274-281
Oyanagi K, Hayashi H, Yamada M, Kakita A. The large neuron involvement in the neostriatum in Lewy body diseases. Neuropathology. 2022. 42. 459-463
Akiyo Hineno, Kiyomitsu Oyanagi, Takuhiro Yoshida, Yasuhiro Sakai, Hiroyuki Kanno, Yoshiki Sekijima. Spread of vimentin-immunoreactive cells within the plaque-like lesion in the spinal anterior horn of a patient with post-poliomyelitis syndrome. Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology. 2021. 41. 406-411