J-GLOBAL ID:200901051221246081
Update date: May. 15, 2020
Hitomi Yoshinori
ヒトミ ヨシノリ | Hitomi Yoshinori
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Research field (2):
Food sciences
, Applied biochemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Molecular Cloning of obesity related gene
Isolation of Novel Gene Induced by Dietary Condition
MISC (12):
Effects of Restricted Food Access on Diurnal Fluctnation of Behaviors and Biochemical Functions in Hereditary Microphthalmic Rats. Physiology and Behavior. 1999. 67. 2. 167
FK Askari, Y Hitomi, ZJ Xie. Augmentation of ouabain sensitivity of rat liver Na/K-ATPase by in vivo adenovirus-mediated expression of the Na/K-ATPase alpha 2 subunit. FEBS LETTERS. 1997. 405. 1. 5-10
Complete Correction of Hyperbilirubinemia in the Gunn Rat model of Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Type (]G0001[) Following Trangient in vivo Adenovirns Mediated Expression of Human Bilirubin UDP-Glucnronosyltransferase. Gene Therapy. 1996. 3. 381
Laminin-Rich Extracellulon Matrix Maintains High Level of Hepatocyte Nucleon Factor 4 in Rat Hepatocyte Culture. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 1995. 212. 3. 800-805
Role of Intron (]G0001[)in Expression of the Human Factor (]G0009[) Gene. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1995. 270. 10. 5276-5281
Education (2):
- 1991 Nagoya University
- 1991 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
Utsunomiya University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Bioproductive Science
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本栄養・食糧学会
, 日本農芸化学会
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