Research theme for competitive and other funds (33):
2021 - 2030 再生可能多糖類植物由来プラスチックによる資源循環社会共創拠点
2024 - 2026 Novel function of chlorophyll and individual assembly of photosystems using a cyanobacterium with high capacity to dark heterotrophic growth
2022 - 2025 Microevolution of cyanobacteria in dark heterotrophic conditions
2020 - 2024 Structural basis of the iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis, and the establishment of ex-situ reconstitution system
2022 - 2024 Visualization of nitrogenase in cyanobacteria at gene, protein and activity levels: Path to unveiling the regulation mechanism of nitrogen fixation
2019 - 2022 光合成の喪失と従属栄養の促進:長期継代培養による栄養性の進化
2017 - 2022 空気を肥料とする窒素固定植物の創出
2016 - 2020 無酸素環境を利用した鉄硫黄クラスターの生合成機構および新規機能の解析
2017 - 2019 光合成と窒素固定の酸素パラドクスを統御する分子機構
2015 - 2018 植物への窒素固定能移入に向けた基盤構築
2014 - 2017 Minimal factors required for the evolution to adapt new light niche for photosynthetic organisms
2015 - 2017 光合成の酸素パラドクスを統御する低酸素センサー転写制御タンパク質の作動原理
2014 - 2017 高い形質転換効率をもつシアノバクテリアによる新規光依存型酵素の創成
2010 - 2015 有用光合成生物への窒素固定能移入が導く“窒素革命”
2011 - 2015 Bioinorganic Chemistry of Oxidoreductases having Unique Active Site Clusters
2008 - 2010 Molecular mechanism of cyanobacterial circadian clock using the reconstituted in-vitro oscillator.
2007 - 2009 地球の大酸化イベント酸素危機が導く光合成生物の適応進化
2006 - 2007 Fundional of non-coding RNAs in adaptation of cyanobacteria to stress conditions
2003 - 2004 酸素発生型光合成の成立に伴うクロロフィル生合成系の進化
2001 - 2002 クロロフィル合成の律速過程プロトクロロフィリド還元酵素の生理生化学的解析
2001 - 2002 Study on the molecular basis for the regulation of redox metabolism network in plastids
1999 - 2000 ゲノム情報を活用したラン藻のクロロフィル供給制御機構の解析
1998 - 2000 Functional design of enzymes for glutamate synthesis and factors involved in cooperative assimilation of carbon and nitrogen
1996 - 1997 Modulation of chlorophyll synthesis and its effect on the biogenesis of two photosystems
1996 - 1997 Analysis and modulation of photosynthetic metabolism through the mutagenesis of ferredoxin
1995 - 1995 分子生物学的手法によるクロロフィル生合成の解析
1993 - 1995 Biochemical and molecular biological studies of electron partitioning among enzymes involved in the assimilation of inorganic compounds in plants
1994 - 1994 ラン藻を用いたChl生合成系の分子生物学的解析
1993 - 1993 ラン藻を用いたクロロフィル生合成系の解析
Show all
Papers (94):
Taro Matsuo, Kumiko Ito-Miwa, Yosuke Hoshino, Yuri I. Fujii, Satomi Kanno, Kazuhiro J. Fujimoto, Rio Tsuji, Shinnosuke Takeda, Chieko Onami, Chihiro Arai, et al. Archaean green-light environments drove the evolution of cyanobacteria’s light-harvesting system. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2025
Yoshiki Morimoto, Kazuma Uesaka, Yuichi Fujita, Haruki Yamamoto. A nitrogenase-like enzyme is involved in the novel anaerobic assimilation pathway of a sulfonate, isethionate, in the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus. mSphere. 2024. 9. 9
Kentaro Usui, Haruki Yamamoto, Hitoshi Mori, Yuichi Fujita. Extracellular vesicle-mediated secretion of chlorophyll biosynthetic intermediates in the cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya boryana. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2024. 66. 2. 214-228
Shintaro Hida, Marie Nishio, Kazuma Uesaka, Mari Banba, Nobuyuki Takatani, Shinichi Takaichi, Haruki Yamamoto, Kunio Ihara, Yuichi Fujita. Microevolution toward loss of photosynthesis: Mutations promoting dark-heterotrophic growth and suppressing photosynthetic growth in cyanobacteria. 2024
Kazuma Uesaka, Mari Banba, Sotaro Chiba, Yuichi Fujita. Restoration of the functional nif gene cluster by complex recombination events during heterocyst development in the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Calothrix sp. NIES-4101. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2024
Fujita Yuichi, Aoki Rina, Tsujimoto Ryoma. S13-3 Physiological significance of chlorophyll biosynthesis under micro-oxic conditions for diazotrophic growth of the non-heterocystous cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya boryana(Session 13 Photosynthetic microorganisms-molecular function to ecology,Symposium session). 2012. 28. 110-110
Genome analysis of cyanobacteria grown in the dark for 31 years
Genome analysis of dark-adapted variants of the cyanobacterium <i>Leptolyngbya boryana</i>: Mutations that suppress photosynthetic growth and promote dark heterotrophic growth
(2nd Asia-Oceania International Congress on Photosynthesis 2024)
Microevolution toward loss of photosynthesis: Mutations promoting dark-heterotrophic growth and suppressing photosynthetic growth in cyanobacteria
(IPR Seminar, Enzymes & Photosynthesis - Key for a green and sustainable future - 2024)
Mutations promoting dark heterotrophic growth and suppressing photosynthetic growth in the cyanobacterium <i>Leptolyngbya boryana</i>
(US-Japan Binational Photosynthesis Workshop 2023)
2002/04 - 2007/03 Nagoya University Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
1992/10 - 2002/03 Osaka University Institute for Protein Research
1998/02 - 1999/09 Visiting Scholar, Department of Biology, Indiana University
1990/04 - 1992/04 日本学術振興会特別研究員
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Committee career (12):
2023/01 - 2025/02 Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists Plant and Cell Physiology Special Issue Tetrapyrrole Photoreceptors in Photosynthetic Organisms Guest Editor for
2023/10 - 2024/09 Organizing Committee of 2nd Asia-Oceania International Congress on Photosynthesis (AOICP) AOICP Organizing Committee
2022/03 - 2024/03 日本植物生理学会 監事
2020/04 - 2024/03 日本光合成学会 常任幹事
2022/09 - 2023/09 ICTPPO2023 (International Conference on Tetrapyrrole Photoreceptors in Photosynthetic Organisms 2023) Organizing committee
2022/06 - 2023/06 日本光合成学会 第13回日本光合成学会年会委員長
2015/06 - 2023/06 Editorial Board of Scientific Reports Editorial Board Member
2020/03 - 2022/03 Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists Secretary General
2015 - 2021 International Scientific Committee for the Symposia on Phototrophic Prokaryotes Member (Japan)
2019/03 - 2019/05 5th Asian Conference on Plant-Microbe Symposium and Nitrogen Fixation (5th APMNF) Local organizing committee of 5th APMNF
2017/04 - 2019/03 第60回日本植物生理学会年会 副委員長
2016/01/01 - 2017/12/31 日本植物生理学会 男女共同参画委員会 委員長
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Awards (1):
1995/03 - Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists Plant and Cell Physiology Award Fujita, Y., Takahashi, Y., Chuganji, M. and Matsubara, H. (1992) The nifH-like (frxC) gene is involved in the biosynthesis of chlorophyll in the filamentous cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum. Plant Cell Physiol. 33, 81-92.
Association Membership(s) (7):
The Protein Society
, International Society of Photosynthesis Research
, 日本農芸化学会
, Society of Genome Microbiology, Japan
, 日本生化学会
, 日本光合成学会
, 日本植物生理学会