Research field (3):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
, Biomaterials
, Biomedical engineering
Research keywords (3):
, 医用生体工学・生体材料学 素粒子・核物理実験技術一般 宇宙線
, Medical Organism Engineering and Material Science of Organism Experimental techniques for particle and nuclear physics in general Cosmic ray and astrophysical observing technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2006 - 2010 医療診断における被ばくの軽減を目的とした単色・準単色X線発生装置の開発
2003 - シリコン・ストリップ検出器を用いた医療用X線検出器の開発
2003 - Development of medical X-ray detector using silicon strip detectors
1998 - Study of silicon strip detectors for Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope(GLAST)
Development of medical X-ray detector using silicon strip detectors