J-GLOBAL ID:200901052818740571
Update date: Sep. 04, 2022
Michimura Seiichi
ミチムラ セイイチ | Michimura Seiichi
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Affiliation and department:
Takushoku University
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Detailed information
Research field (1):
Mechanics and mechatronics
Research keywords (3):
, 振動
, 機械力学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Vibration control of a flexible rotor suspended by electromagnetic bearings
MISC (8):
Suzuki Yasuyuki, Michimura Seiichi, Tamura Akiyoshi. Vibration Control of a Flexible Rotor Suspended by Active Electromagnetic Bearings : 5th Report, Feedforward Control with Variable Gains to Cancel out Unbalances. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C. 1993. 59. 561. 1422-1427
Suzuki Yasuyuki, Michimura Seiichi, Tamura Akiyoshi. Vibration Control of a Flexible Rotor Suspended by Active Electromagnetic Bearings : 4th Report, Design of Digital Control System to Cancel out Unbalances and Simulation of an Unbalance Response. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C. 1993. 59. 557. 58-64
Yasuyuki Suzuki, Seiichi Michimura, Akiyoshi Tamura. Vibration Control of a flexible rotor suspended by Active Electromagnetic Bearings(5th report). Transactions of the J. S. M. E. 1993. 59. 561. 1422-1427
Vibration Control of a flexible rotor suspended by Active Electromagnetic Bearings(4 the report). Transactions of the J. S. M. E. 1993. 59. 557. 58-64
磁気軸受で支えられた弾性ロータの振動制御(逆システムを用いたモード制御). 日本機械学会論文集. 1991. 57. 540
Education (4):
- 1975 Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 1975 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1972 Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering
- 1972 Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
Awards (1):
1981 - 日本機械学会論文集
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 日本機械学会
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