Research keywords (9):
, sensilla
, brain
, microscopy EM
, microscopy LM
, nerve neuron
, human
, insect
, invertebrate
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2002 - 2004 Discrimination mechanism of nest- and non-nestmates in the colonies of eusocial insents
2000 - 2001 昆虫微小脳のモジュール型ニューロパイルの比較神経解剖学
1999 - 1999 昆虫の微小脳にみられるモジュール型ニューロパイル神経解剖学
1997 - 1998 Study for central processing of antennal sensory signals in insect brain.
1997 - 1998 Histochemical study on the relation of memory formation and protein synthesis in insect
1994 - 1994 ゴキブリ嗅覚中枢における匂い識別機構の神経活性染色による解析
1993 - 1994 Functional assignment of projection interneurons of antennal lobe involved in neural processing of humidity and temperature information in insect brain.
Fine structure of the antennal hydrocarbon sensilla of Camponotus japonica
(28th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Comparative Pyisiology and Biochemistry 2006)