J-GLOBAL ID:200901053787607009
Update date: Mar. 23, 2007
Tanaka Kiyoaki
タナカ キヨアキ | Tanaka Kiyoaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
, Radiology
Research keywords (2):
, Neurosurgery
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 頭蓋内圧
- 脳血管障害の外科
- 実験的脳・脊髄浮腫
- 水頭症治療の頭蓋内水力学
- 定位的放射線治療
- Experimental brain and spinal cord edema
- Hydrodynamic study of intracranial pressure in patient with normal pressure hydrocephalus
- Stereotactic radiosurgery for treatment of cerebral disease
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MISC (12):
The effect of experimental spinal cord edema on the spinal evoked potential. (共著). Acta Neurochir(suppl). 1998. 71. 101
Stereotactic radiosurgery using XKnife(]J0278[) system. Innervision. 1997. 12. 15
A new model of spinal cord edema. (共著). Acta Neurochir(suppl). 1997. 70. 293
The microsurgical anatomy of the jugular foramen. (共著). J Neurosurg. 1995. 83. 903
The effect of outflow resistance of the shunt system on the post-operative ICP of the patient with normal pressure hydrocephalus (共著). Current Treatment for Hydrocephalus. 1995. 5. 22
Books (6):
三輪書店,東京 「脳神経外科手術書」大阪市立大学脳神経外科学教室(編) 1994
三輪書店,東京 「脳神経外科手術書」大阪市立大学脳神経外科学教室(編) 1994
Treatment of shunt-resistant patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) (共著)
Intracranial pressure IX, in Nagai H, Kamiya K, Ishi S(eds. )Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 1994
The implications of shunt surgery in the intracranial hydrodynamics of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) (共著)
Hydrocephalus-Pathogenesis and Treatment, in Matsumoto S, Tamaki N(eds. ), Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 1991
Intracranial pressure on pre- and post-shunt surgery in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) (共著)
Intracranial pressure VII, in Hoff JT, Betz AL (eds. ) Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 1989
Education (4):
- - 1976 Osaka City University
- - 1976 Osaka City University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
- - 1970 Osaka City University Medical School
- - 1970 Osaka City University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Committee career (2):
- 2003 - 社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会 代議員
- 1983 - 日本脳神経外科学会近畿地方会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本神経学会近畿地方会
, 日本脳神経外科学会近畿地方会
, 社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会
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