J-GLOBAL ID:200901053889960234
Update date: Jun. 07, 2024
Ishii Takashige
イシイ タカシゲ | Ishii Takashige
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Plant genetics and breeding
, Biodiversity and systematics
, Genetics
Research keywords (2):
Plant Genetics
, Plant Breeding
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
- 2022 - 2026 -
- 2018 - 2022 イネの栽培化にユニークに関わった種子の有芒性と無芒性の謎を解く
- 2018 - 2021 イネにおける生態型決定機構の解明に向けて
- 2016 - 2018 イネの栽培化解明に向けた考古学と遺伝学による学際的アプローチ
- 2014 - 2018 栽培イネ誕生のきっかけとなった形質に関与する遺伝子群の解明
- 2014 - 2017 熱帯アジアにおける野生イネと栽培イネの間の遺伝子流動の実態解明
- 2011 - 2014 Evaluation of domestication-related genes in rice - Trait examination in the genetic background of wild rice
- 2011 - 2013 野生イネ由来の有用農業形質に関する新規遺伝子の探索
- 2008 - 2011 Clarification of key genes for rice domestication
- 2006 - 2009 Clarification of genetic variation among wild rice populations in tropical Asian countries
- 2006 - 2008 イネにおける栽培化の起源の解明
- 2002 - 2007 イネ近縁野生種由来の収量関連形質の遺伝解析
- 2000 - 2001 野生イネに潜む有用形質を支配する遺伝子の検出-野生種を利用した稲育種に向けて-
- 1997 - 1998 種およびゲノム特異的突然変異に基づくイネ属植物の系統進化の解明
- 1995 - 1995 RFLPおよびRAPD分析法による栽培イネの祖先の解明
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Papers (107):
Yoshiki Tokuyama, Miku Omachi, Shiori Kushida, Kiwamu Hikichi, Shuhei Okada, Kazumitsu Onishi, Takashige Ishii, Yuji Kishima, Yohei Koide. Different contributions of PROG1 and TAC1 to the angular kinematics of the main culm and tillers of wild rice (Oryza rufipogon). Planta. 2023. 259. 1
Koji Numaguchi, Tomoaki Kashiwamoto, Ryo Ishikawa, Takashige Ishii, Yuto Kitamura. Genome-Wide Association Study Detects Loci Involved in Scab Susceptibility in Japanese Apricot. Horticulturae. 2023. 9. 8. 872-872
Shohei Sugiyama, Motoki Sakuta, Yuki Tsujimura, Yudai Yamaguchi, Than Myint Htun, Chizuru Inoue, Koji Numaguchi, Takashige Ishii, Ryo Ishikawa. Detection of novel loci involved in non-seed-shattering behaviour of an indica rice cultivar, Oryza sativa IR36. Molecular genetics and genomics : MGG. 2023
Phuong Dang Thai Phan, Akinori Nishimura, Chika Yamamoto, Pham Thien Thanh, Toshihiro Niwa, Yaddehige Priya Jayantha Amarasinghe, Ryo Ishikawa, Takashige Ishii. Wild and cultivated allele effects on rice phenotypic traits in reciprocal backcross populations between <i>Oryza rufipogon</i> and two cultivars, <i>O. sativa</i> Nipponbare and IR36. Breeding Science. 2023. 73. 4. 373-381
Sathya Lim, Anna Onoda, Chhourn Orn, Hiromu Iwamoto, Ryo Ishikawa, Hiroki Saito, Yutaka Sato, Takashige Ishii. Variations in Grain Traits among Local Rice Varieties Collected More Than Half-Century Ago in Indochinese Countries. Plants (Basel, Switzerland). 2022. 12. 1
MISC (13):
Ishikawa Ryo, Yamagata Yoshiyuki, Koide Yohei, Ishii Takashige, Ishikawa Ryuji, Akimoto Masahiro, Tsuda Katsutoshi, Fujita Daisuke. The attraction of genus Oryza. Breeding Research. 2023. advpub
谷尾侑香, ORN Chhourn, 秋本正博, 宍戸理恵子, HTUN Than Myint, PHAN Phuong Dang Thai, 野々村賢一, 小出陽平, 石川亮, 石井尊生. 熱帯アジアにおける栽培イネから野生イネへの遺伝子流動について. 育種学研究. 2018. 20
吉冨麻衣子, 宇佐見純平, 宍戸理恵子, 野村和成, 秋本正博, 石井尊生, 佐藤雅志, MIN San Thein, THAN Sein, TIN Htut. ミャンマーに自生する野生イネ集団の遺伝的多様性評価 4.年次変動について. 育種学研究. 2010. 12
宇佐見純平, 吉富麻衣子, 神崎智行, 宍戸理恵子, 野村和成, 秋本正博, 石井尊生, MIN San Thein, THAN Sein, TIN Htut. ミャンマーに自生する野生イネ集団の遺伝的多様性評価 5.地域集団における遺伝構造の比較について. 育種学研究. 2010. 12
Naoki Mori, Yuko Hidehira, Takashige Ishii, Chiharu Nakamura. Who was the mother of wheat?: a view from genetic variation in chloroplast DNA among wheat species. Proc. 4th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering. 2009. 725-729
Books (6):
Information and data on natural introgression
OECD Environment, Health and Safety Publications 2021
Rice Genomics, Genetics and Breeding - Domestication loci controlling panicle shape, seed shattering and seed awning
Springer 2018
丸善出版(日本植物学会 編) 2016
朝倉書店 2009
アジア遊学 勉誠出版 2003
Lectures and oral presentations (121):
Target capture法に基づく日本と中国のウメの集団構造および系統関係について
(園芸学会 平成30年度秋季大会 2019)
QTL analysis for awnlessness using a backcross population between Oryza rufipogon and O. sativa IR36
(近畿作物・育種研究会 第186回例会 2018)
(育種学研究 2018)
野生イネOryza meridionalisを用いて同定されたイネ種子亜鉛濃度を支配するqGZn9は連鎖した2つの遺伝子座によって制御される
(日本育種学会第134回講演会 2018)
穂の開帳性が栽培イネ(Oryza sativa)の穂形態に与える影響について
(日本育種学会第134回講演会 2018)
Education (1):
- - 1991 京都大学 大学院農学研究科博士後期課程修了
Professional career (2):
Work history (7):
- 2008/04 - 現在 Kobe University Graduate School of Agricultural Science
- 2003/02 - 2008/03 Kobe University Faculty of Agriculture
- 1993/10 - 2003/01 Kobe University Faculty of Agriculture
- 2002/06 - 2002/08 Universite Paris XI, Laboratoire Evolution et Systematique, Visiting Researcher
- 1996/04 - 1997/03 Cornell University, Department of Plant Breeding, Visiting Researcher
- 1991/04 - 1993/09 International Rice Research Institute, Plant Breeding Department, Post Doctoral Research Fellow
- 1989/06 - 1991/03 International Rice Research Institute, Plant Breeding Department, Research Fellow
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Committee career (1):
Awards (7):
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本遺伝学会
, 日本育種学会
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