Kabe, A. Expected Main Features and Business Model of Healthcare Partner Robot Based on the Market Analysis. Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in New Era, Selected paper of The 5th International Conference on Machine Automation (ICMA). 2005. 95-100
Kabe, A. Expected Main Features and Business Model of Healthcare Partner Robot Based on the Market Analysis. Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in New Era, Selected paper of The 5th International Conference on Machine Automation (ICMA). 2005. 95-100
Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in New Era
Elsevier 2007
Lectures and oral presentations (2):
Development and feasibility studies of robot for stimulating rooms to cope with stressful society, Session I-4: ASMeW Priority Research B,
(ASMeW International Symposium – Realizing high quality of life and extension of health life expectancy through the consolidation of advanced science, health studies, and medical care, ASMeW(Consolidated Research Institute for Advanced Science and Medical Care, Waseda University), Tokyo 2008)
A.Kabe, Creating New Robot Applications for “Snoezelen” in Social Welfare Industries
(ISR2005: 36th International Symposium on Robotics 2005)