J-GLOBAL ID:200901054425383400
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Seta Jiro
セタ ジロウ | Seta Jiro
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Research field (1):
Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (11):
high hydrostatic pressure
, dyeing
, water absorbency
, 高圧力
, 染色
, 吸水性
, Properties of textile materials
, 被服学
, 生活科学一般
, Physical chemistry of dyeing
, Properties of textile materials
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Physical chemistry of dyeing under high hydrostatic pressure
Water absorbency of cloth
Physical chemistry of dyeing under high hydrostatic pressure
Water absorbency of cloth
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MISC (29):
勢田二郎. 葡萄葉と茶飲料を用いた羊毛の染色. 山梨大学教育人間科学部紀要. 2009. 10. 63-68
勢田二郎. 葡萄を用いた各種繊維の染色. 山梨大学教育人間科学部紀要. 2009. 10. 57-62
進藤聡彦, 勢田二郎, 澤登義洋, 角田 修. 大学生の教育ボランテイアが教育実践力の育成に及ぼす効果. 教育実践学研究. 2009. 14. 139-151
勢田二郎. 電子天びんを用いた布の摩擦特性の測定. 山梨大学教育人間科学部紀要. 2008. 9. 79-82
勢田二郎. バイレック法を用いた布の水分移動の画像処理による測定. 山梨大学教育人間科学部紀要. 2007. 8. 68-71
Books (4):
色染社 2001
有斐閣 1998
改訂 衣生活論
建帛社 1997
建帛社 1992
Education (4):
- 1973 Kyoto Institute of Technology
- 1972 Kyoto Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Engineering and Design
- 1971 Kyoto Institute of Technology
- 1970 Kyoto Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering and Design
Professional career (1):
(BLANK) (Kyoto University)
Work history (6):
2008/03/31 - 2006/04 山梨大学教育人間科学部附属教育実践総合センタ-長(兼任) 2008年3月31日まで
2005/04 - 国立大学法人山梨大学大学院 教授 教育学研究科
1996/04 - University of Yamanashi Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research Faculty of Education, Education (Childhood developmental education)
1989/10 - University of Yamanashi Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research Faculty of Education, Education (Childhood developmental education)
1988 - 1989 Suzugamine Women's College, Assistant Professor
University of Yamanashi Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Home Economics Education Course
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Awards (1):
1985 - 繊維学会論文賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 繊維学会
, 高分子学会
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