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A study on usage of the conjunctive particle '-ni' in Tono dialect. 2022. 77. 77. 133-154
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安藤 智子. 東濃西部方言の節初頭におけるプロソディの特徴-On Phrase-Initial Prosodic Features in the West Tono Dialect-Selected Papers from the 44th Meeting of The Kansai Linguistic Society. KLS selected papers : selected papers from the Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society. 2020. 2. 177-192
安藤 智子. 多治見方言における語頭の韻律的特徴 : 1拍音節の長さと遅上がりについて-On initial prosodic features in the Tajimi dialect. 富山大学人文学部紀要. 2019. 70. 109-127