Research field (3):
Theoretical economics
, History - Japan
, History of thought
Research keywords (3):
, A History of philosophy in Early Modern Japan.
, A History of Economic Thought in Early Modern Japan.
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
A Study of "Mercantitist Thought"in Early Modern Japan. -A Problem and a Study in Applying the Concept of Mercantilism in Europe to the Corresponding Situation in Japan.
Book Reviews : Bettina GRAMLICH-OKA, TADANO Makuzu : Thinking Like a Man. 2014. 14. 69-73
We appreciate you very much, Prof. Teruo Kobayashi. Bulletin of the College of Humanities Kanto Gakuin University. 2010. 0. 120. 5-7,図巻頭1枚
Yasusada Miyasaki's An encyclopedia of agriculture Nogyo Zensyo and the significance of cultivation techniques of "crude drugs": the relationship between the imported Chinese medicine "Nagasaki trade" and the domestic variety from the viewpoint of the the. Bulletin of the College of Humanities Kanto Gakuin University. 2010. 0. 120. 360-323
Domestic exchange study: Research of the imported Chinese medicine in the Nagasaki trade viewed from the perspective of people's living: a study at the Oriental Medicine Research Center in the Kitazato Institute. The KGU journal of comparative cultural studies. 2009. 2. 157-173