J-GLOBAL ID:200901055053856273
Update date: Sep. 10, 2024
Yoshikawa Tohru
ヨシカワ トオル | Yoshikawa Tohru
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Architectural and city planning
Research keywords (11):
, 都市空間
, 土地利用
, 都市解析
, 都市計画
, Regional Facilities
, Urban Spatial Analysis
, Land Use
, Urban Analysis
, City planning
Research theme for competitive and other funds (33):
- 2024 - 2027 撤去シナリオ定式化による利用者希望型地域施設の既存建築ストックの中長期的評価手法
- 2021 - 2024 利用者希望型の地域施設の配置の効率性と公平性から既存建築ストックを評価する手法
- 2021 - 2024 持続的医療・介護提供に基づく地域社会処方箋と社会保障費のバランス評価指標の導出
- 2018 - 2021 Establishment of an optimal provision model of medical / nursing care partnership based on derivation of service provision limit by regional condition
- 2018 - 2021 地域施設の既存建築ストックの立地価値を評価する指標の社会的意義と計画の特性の解明
- 2015 - 2019 Development of a method to evaluate the value of regional public building stock from the population distribution, utilization rate, and the situation of neighboring stock
- 2012 - 2016 Development of an evaluation method for usage value of regional facility stock from population distribution and situation of neighboring stock
- 2011 - 2015 The comprehensive study on the restructuring of the regional healthcare system from the view point of the accessibility
- 2009 - 2011 The Transition of Community Activities Led by Women and Their Hubs in Tama New Town
- 2008 - 2010 Development of Homeostatic System for Space Supply by Integration of Spatial Function and Capacity with Distribution of Supply and Demand of Public Facilities
- 2007 - 2009 The Estimation of Seismic Risks of Medium and Small Building Stocks and the Method of Sharing its Information with Inhabitants
- 2006 - 2007 Development of Self-Directed and Homeostatic System for Supplying Community Facility Space Based on Time -Space Management of Public Buildings
- 2005 - 2007 Series of Studies for the Activation and Redevelopment of New Town in Japan
- 2004 - 2005 Creation of Homeostatic Network System of Regional Public Facilities by Utilizing the Stock of Public Buildings and Houses
- 2002 - 2004 The Series of studies about the Supporting System for the Elderly from the Viewpoint of Sustainable Living in the Community
- 2002 - 2003 成熟社会に対応した自己恒常型都市公共建築物ネットワークの構築
- 2000 - 2001 A Study on Planning of Regional Network System of Day Facilities for the Elderly
- 1996 - 1997 Study on Reorganization and Location-Allocation planning of Day Facilities for the Elderly
- 1996 - 1996 都市街路の整備水準が土地利用遷移に与える影響の分析
- 1994 - 1994 敷地の土地利用転換の確率モデルに立脚した土地利用混合解析手法の開発
- 1992 - 1992 土地利用混合の時間的変化・地域的差異を解析する手法の開発と適用
- 1992 - 1992 敷地利用変化確率モデルによる用途地域指定の効果分析
- 1991 - 1991 都市環境情報処理システムの体系化
- 1991 - 1991 スプロール市街地の道路の形状解析手法とシミュレーション
- 1990 - 1990 建築基準法による接道条件が市街地の街区・道路形態に与える影響の分析
- 都市解析
- 地域施設計画
- 都市空間解析
- 土地利用解析
- urban analysis
- regional facilities planning
- urban spatial analysis
- Land Use Analysis
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Papers (112):
Akeniwa Takumi, Yoshikawa Tohru, Sanuki Ryo. Analysis of the relationship between the surrounding environment and facility uses in urban redevelopment projects. Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan. 2024. 23. 1. 93
Akado Mayu, Yoshikawa Tohru, Sanuki Ryo. Optimal allocation of convenience facilities to evacuation facilities in a non-aggregated city. Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan. 2024. 23. 1. 90
Urara MIKASA, Ryo SANUKI, Tohru YOSHIKAWA. RESEARCH OF THE LOCATION TENDENCY OF “MACHI-LIBRARIES”. Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ). 2024. 89. 817. 526-535
Takuya Kusunoki, Tohru Yoshikawa. The distribution structure of medical and care resources based on regional characteristics throughout Japan in 2020. BMC Health Services Research. 2024. 24. 1
Tamura Ayana, Yoshikawa Tohru, Sanuki Ryo. A Study on Appropriate Placement of Public Smoking Areas in Urban Areas. Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan. 2023. 22. 1. 76-82
MISC (68):
Shigenawa Shota, Yoshikawa Tohru. Comparison of Travel Load between Automated Guideway Transit and Buses in Urban Areas: Focusing on Vertical Movement. Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan. 2022. 21. 1. 36-42
Kitagawa Taku, Yoshikawa Tohru, Sanuki Ryo. A Study on Effect of Urban Plantations on Pedestrians Using Caption Evaluation Method. Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan. 2021. 20. 1. 57-59
Yoshida Yasuhiro, Yoshikawa Tohru. Analysis of the colors of advertisements in front of the station in terms of the relation to the station characteristics: For private railways in the western suburbs of Tokyo. Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan. 2021. 20. 1. 50-56
Yoshioka Ken, Yoshikawa Tohru. Study on progress of urbanization following the opening of a new railway and stations. Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan. 2020. 19. 2. 180-181
Ishii Tomoya, Yoshikawa Tohru, Sanuki Ryo. Influence of the spatial distribution of tourism resources on the liveliness of the local city center. Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan. 2020. 19. 1. 94-100
Books (2):
都市研究業書12、都市をとらえる-地理情報システム(GIS)の現在と未来-、東京都立大学都市研究所発行 1996
都市研究叢書11,都市の環境創造,東京都立大学都市研究所発行 1995
Lectures and oral presentations (99):
Comparison of the Indexes to Evaluate Buildings for Public Facilities with Distance Decay of the Utilization Ratio in Sequential Building Removal Process
(2019 AsianConference of Management Science & Applications (ACMSA 2019) 2019)
Comparison of the Indexes to Evaluate Buildings for Public Facilities with Distance Decay of the Utilization Ratio in a Real Suburban Area
(2019 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2019)
7195 実際の都市における利用率が距離減衰する地域公共施設を設置する建築物の価値評価指標比較
(都市計画 2019)
Comparison of Facility Location Maximizing the Expected Number of Visitors with the One Maximizing the Consumer Surplus with a Visiting Probability by a Logit Model
(2018 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2018)
Research on the Relationship between Anxiety and Location Confirmation by Mobile Device during Route Search in Urban Space -By Application of the Protocol Analysis-
(2018 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2018)
Works (1):
2004 - 2005
Education (3):
- 1987 - 1988 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering
- 1985 - 1987 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering
- 1981 - 1985 The University of Tokyo The Faculty of Engineering Department of Urban Engineering
Professional career (2):
- DR. of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
- Master of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (11):
- 2020/04 - 現在 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 2009/04 - 2020/03 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 2006 - 2009 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 2005 - 2006 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 1993 - 2005 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 1990 - 1993 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 1990 - 1993 Tokyo Metropolitan University, Assistant
- 1988 - 1990 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 1988 - 1990 Tokyo Metropolitan University, Research
- Professor
- Associate
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Awards (1):
- 2002 - Hosei University Hosei University Tama Regional Research Promotion Award
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本不動産学会
, 地理情報システム学会
, 情報処理学会
, 日本建築学会
, 日本都市計画学会
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