J-GLOBAL ID:200901055181296442
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Shibayama Akiyoshi
シバヤマ アキヨシ | Shibayama Akiyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (3):
Sociology of education
, Education - general
, Sociology
Research keywords (4):
, 教育計画論
, Sociology
, Educaional Planning
Research theme for competitive and other funds (20):
- 2015 - 2018 Study on Practice Condition of the School for the Education Community Formation to Promote Today's Human Rights Education
- 2012 - 2015 Research on practical conditions for the support network construction to a protector having difficulty with child care
- 2008 - 2010 A Comparative Sociological Study on Educational Policies Concerning Academic Achievements : Equity and excellence
- 2007 - 2009 Research on Conditions of Local School System that Improve Sociality and Motivation for Learning of Children
- 2004 - 2006 Development of cooperation program between school education and social education which progress children's self-esteem and learning motivation.
- 2003 - 2005 A Clinical Study of School Effectiveness to Dissolve Academic Discrepancies among Social Classes
- 2003 - 2005 Development of School Management to Facilitate Autonomy of School and Collaboration with Community and Parents
- 2000 - 2002 Analysis of Parents 'and Teachers' Consciousness toward School, Family, Community Partnership and Development of Partnership Program
- 1997 - 1998 市民文化活動を活用した人権教育計画の策定に係わる地域社会特性に関する比較研究
- 1996 - 1996 多世代による市民文化活動が地域社会変容要因としてもつ人間形成機能に関する研究
- 1994 - 1996 Implementation of Team-teaching : research on its problems and countermeasre
- 1995 - 1995 成人の再社会化過程を制約する地域社会特性の変容を促す社会的影響力に関する研究
- 1994 - 1994 社会変動に伴う成人の再社会化過程を制約する地域社会特性に関する研究
- 1993 - 1994 Case Study of Managerial and Administrative Conditions of School-based Teacher Training Supporting Professional Development of Teachers
- 現職教員のための教師教育
- 人権教育を基盤とした地域教育計画
- 少数者の生涯にわたる人間形成と教育達成
- Teacher Education for Inservice Teachers
- Educational Planning of Community Based on Human Rights Education
- Lifelong Development and Educational Achievement of Minorities
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Papers (1):
SHIBAYAMA Akiyoshi, IWANAGA Sadamu, KASHIWAGI Tomoko, FUJIOKA Yasuko, HASHIMOTO Yoji. Research on Normative Consciousness and Normative Behavior of Children : Perceived to the School and Community Relationship as the Factor that Exert the Influence on Those. Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education. 2014. 29. 111-121
MISC (52):
「学級崩壊」に対する小学校の組織的対応に関する事例研究(1)-学校組織における個業性維持の実態とその要因に関する考察-(共著). 鳴門教育大学研究紀要・教育科学編. 2005. 第20巻,pp.37-50
教育施策の実施過程における保護者への説明責任に関する研究(共著). 鳴門教育大学研究紀要・教育科学編. 2005. 第20巻,pp.27-36
子どもとともに大人が育つ場の創造を-地域教育コミュニティづくりの課題-. 解放教育. 2004. 444号,pp.180-185
マイノリティ研究と同和問題との接合. 解放教育. 2004. 438号,pp.18-25
IWANAGA Sadamu, SIBAYAMA Akiyoshi, HASHIMOTO Yoji, IWAKi Koji. The Relation between Parents' Consciousness to School Education and Their Desire to Participate to School Activities. : Parent Questionnaire Survey of Elementary and Secondary Schools. Journal of JASEA. 2004. 46. 46. 52-64
Books (11):
明石書店 2012
教育社会学への招待,大阪大学出版会 2010 ISBN:9784872592955
「力のある学校」の探究,大阪大学出版会 2009
大阪の子どもたち-子どもの生活白書- 2004年度版 2005
新世紀の教職論,コレール社 2001
Works (7):
2003 -
1999 -
A Research for School, Family, Community Partnership
1999 -
1993 - 1995
A Research on a View of Education and its Changeability among Inservice Teachers
1993 - 1995
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本教師教育学会
, 日本教育実践学会
, 日本教育経営学会
, 日本社会教育学会
, 日本教育学会
, 日本社会学会
, 日本教育社会学会
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