Research keywords (6):
Renewable energy
, 排熱回収
, Direct contact heat transfer
, Solar heat
, Heat storage
, Electric field
Papers (29):
Masanori FUJIMOTO, Hidemitsu FUJISAWA. Effect of an electric field on freezing initiation of supercooled water in a PVC pipe with oil and water repellent inner coating. 2024. 50. 4. 69-76
Masanori Fujimoto, Sota Inoyama. Proposal of seaweed bed pot by cement-based 3D printer aiming at expansion of seaweed bed area and estimation of blue carbon in seaweed bed field. 2024. 5. 8. 2-20
Jumpei KAKUDA, Masanori FUJIMOTO. Improvement in performance of a multiple-effect unit for a solar distiller by ionic wind with evaporation and condensation on each surface of annular space. 2023. 49. 3. 69-76
Daiki INABA, Masanori FUJIMOTO. Study of kinetic behavior of multiple dispersed phases in a continuous phase under an electric field. 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF2023. 2023
Wataru MATSUMOTO, Masanori FUJIMOTO. Effect of external electric field on freezing initiation of supercooled water due to characteristics of vertical pipe inner surface. 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF2023. 2023
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, Academy of innovation for Beyond SDGs
, Japanese Society for Engineering Education
, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
, Japan Solar Energy Society
, The Heat Transfer Society of Japan