Yamashita, takayuki. The reverse of situation in the field of sports and the contemporary study of sport sociology. Korean Sociological Review. 2015. Vol.6 pp.1-23
Yamashita,takayuki. Marxism and sport theory. 中村敏雄他編『21世紀スポーツ大辞典』大修館書店. 2015. 0653~0656頁
Books (13):
文理閣 2011
The changing field of Japanese sport, in Joseph Maguire and Masayoshi Nakayama (eds.) Japan, Sport and Society: Tradition and Change in a Globalizing World
London, Routledge 2006
World Cup 2002 and Soccer Voluntary Groups as a New Social Movement
The organizing Committee of the Sendai College of Physical Education(ed.), Symposium of Sendai College Proceedings of The International Symposium on Soccer and Society 2003
Indeterminate Nationalism Represented in the Fine de siecle Olympic Games in Japan.
(11th World Leisure Congress ChunCheon 2010 held in Chun Cheon, Korea from August 28 to September 2 2010(韓国春川 江原大学) 2010)
Football and the Wake of Civil Society in Japan;World Cup 2002 and Soccer Voluntary Groups
(ウイーン大学東アジア研究所主催国際シンポジウム"Soccer Nations and Football Cultures" 2002)
講演 「Football and the Wake of Civil Society in Japan;World Cup 2002 and Soccer Voluntary Groups as a New Social Movement」
(「独仏韓日W杯国際シンポジウム」仙台大学主催 2002)