Research field (2):
Rural environmental engineering and planning
, Environmental dynamics
Research keywords (4):
, 農業水利学
, Water-quality control and hydrology
, Irrigation and drainage
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
2019 - 2022 Development of an evaluation method of flood damage risk on crops and its expansion to insurance business
2016 - 2019 GNSS汎用利用による近未来型環境保全水田営農技術の実証研究
2006 - 2008 Investigations into the mechanisms of water purification of Hachiroko lake using aquatic plants and enhancement of these functions
2004 - 2006 Study on the agricultural land improvement for symbiosis with lives
2000 - 2001 干拓地水田N、P流出機構の高精度、経時的・定量評価と耕法による低減効果
1999 - 2001 A Study on the Evaluation and Improvement of Sustainable Farming Systems in Closed Aquatic Environment of Hachirogata Reclaimed Farmland
1997 - 1999 Effects of Irrigation Water Management on Water Circulation and Water Environment in Districts
1996 - 1996 八郎湖の水質保全のための水・養分フロー特性の解明
Water-quality control of Paddy Drainage.
Water Quality Preservation in Lake Hachiro
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Papers (25):
Tadashi KONDOH. Analysis of the water pollution structure from inflow-outflow nutrients loads and the problems of water environmental improvement in Lake Hachiro. 2020. 23. 13-24
Tadashi KONDOH, Yukio YAJI, Yoshisada NAGASAKA, Hayato SHINDO, Masaya KATO, Masanori SAITO, Koki FUJIWARA, Satoshi YAMAMOTO. Reduction of N, P, and SS Effluent Loads from Paddy Fields by Transplanting into Retained Ponding Water using a GNSS-Controlled Rice Transplanter. 2018
A study about spatial explication of the bottom environment in the Lake Hachiro : Including a corbicula growing test under the high concentration oxygen water supply, consideration of the water quality and bottom material improvement. 2015. 2. 117-124