J-GLOBAL ID:200901057370355959
Update date: Oct. 27, 2024
Omameuda Minoru
オオマメウダ ミノル | Omameuda Minoru
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Economic history
, History - Japan
Research keywords (18):
, 市場
, 主食
, 米穀市場
, 小麦
, 米穀検査
, 食生活
, 経済史
, 米
, 米穀取引所
, 日本史
, 米穀問屋
, 東アジア市場
, 貿易
, 朝鮮米
, 商社
, 外米
, 食糧
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
- 2019 - 2022 戦間期日本の小麦輸入と世界市場-1920年代~30年代における国際商品の受容
- 2017 - 2020 Price formation and market management in commodity exchanges after World War I: Empirical research by using the Dojima Kome Shijo Monjo
- 2016 - 2019 The rice import into Japan from Burma, French-Indochina, and Thailand: 1880s - 1940s
- 2015 - 2018 A Study on Time-Varying Structure of Market Integration and Market Efficiency in Modern Period: The Case of Rice Markets in Japan and Colonized Korea
- 2013 - 2016 Japanese Trading Firms and Trade among Pacific Rim Countries before World War II
- 2013 - 2015 War and food shortage in Japan: The impoverishment of the foodstuffs before and after the Pacific War
- 2010 - 2012 Research on the Activity of Japanese Trading Companies in North America before World War II
- 2010 - 2012 The increase of the wheat demand and the expansion of wheat import from North America and Australia in 1920s-1930s
- 2008 - 2010 The sociability in the traditional cities and its transfiguration in the 19^th century
- 2007 - 2009 The consumption of the staple food in modern Japan : Expansion of the foreign and domestic supply areas of rice and the wheat.
- 2006 - 2008 General Study of Seized Documents of Japanese Shosha in NARA
- 2004 - 2006 The Structure and Transfiguration of Rice Demand in Modern Japan: The Positive and Synthetic Research on the Consumption of the Staple Food and the Formation of the Market
- 2001 - 2003 The East Asian market, domestic market; area market in the 1920's : The positive and synthetic research on the Japanese rice market
- 2000 - 2003 A system, policy, market in the early Meiji period : the base of the economic development in the turning point from the early modern times to the modern ages
- 1998 - 2000 Positive and synthetic research on the rice market reorganization in 1870's-1910's
- 1991 - 1991 戦前日本の食糧問題・食糧政策の総合的・実証的研究(対外依存需給構造の形成と展開)
- 1990 - 1991 General Study of U. S. -Japan Commercial Rivalry in the Inter-War Period
- 1989 - 1991 The History of Japanese Military Note in the Central China
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Papers (39):
大豆生田稔. 戦時における北米・豪州小麦輸入の展開と終焉 --一九三七年-四一年の三井物産を中心に-. 東洋大学文学部紀要. 史学科篇. 2022. 47. 401-353
Omameuda, Minoru. The export of North American wheat to Europe by Japanese trading companies in the United States around 1930. Bulletin of Toyo University, Department of History, the Faculty of Literature. 2020. 45. 356-312
Omameuda, Minoru. The Rise in the rice price in 1889-90 and the Rice Import from Southeast Asia to Japan. 2019. 55. 1-30
大豆生田稔. 米騒動前後の外米輸入と産地. 東洋大学文学部紀要 史学科篇. 2018. 43. 123-193
The wheat trading of Mitsubishi Corporation Seattle Branch : The dispatch of Nisshin Flour Milling to the Pacific North West in the late 1920s. 2016. 28. 4. 103-125
MISC (44):
大豆生田稔. 書評 竹内祐介『帝国日本と鉄道輸送-変容する帝国内分業と朝鮮経済』. 歴史学研究. 2022. 1020. 55-58
大豆生田稔. [資料紹介]三井物産大連支店の小麦・小麦粉取引関係資料--1937年1 月〜1940年1 月の「旬報」、「月報」--. 東洋大学文学部紀要. 史学科篇. 2020. 46. 410-353
大豆生田稔. 開国史講座 軍港都市の財政問題 ー戦前期の横須賀市財政-. 開国史研究. 2020. 20. 80-96
大豆生田稔. 書評 李海訓著『中国東北における稲作農業の展開過程』. 社会経済史学. 2017. 83. 3. 442-444
BOOK REVIEWS : YI, Hyong Nang : Rice in Colonial Korea and Japan. 2016. 58. 4. 67-69
Books (47):
吉川弘文館 2023 ISBN:9784642039215
軍港都市史研究 VII 国内・海外軍港編
清文堂出版 2017
軍港都市史研究 IV 横須賀編(上山和雄編)
清文堂出版 2017
Education (2):
- 1980 - 1984 The University of Tokyo
- 1978 - 1980 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (2):
Work history (4):
- 1996/04 - 現在 Toyo University Faculty of Literature
- 1990/04 - 1996/03 Toyo University Faculty of Literature
- 1987/04 - 1990/03 Josai University Faculty of Economics
- 1984/04 - 1987/03 Josai University Faculty of Economics
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 社会経済史学会
, 土地制度史学会
, 歴史学研究会
, 史学会
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