J-GLOBAL ID:200901057445557749
Update date: Oct. 19, 2024
Tomisaka Kohji
トミサカ コウジ | Tomisaka Kohji
Affiliation and department:
Other affiliations (1):
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Research keywords (4):
, 星形成過程
, Interstellar Matter
, Star Formation Process
Research theme for competitive and other funds (23):
- 2019 - 2022 Measurement with Use of Goldreich-Kylafis Effect
- 2015 - 2018 偏波と輻射輸送に基づく星形成過程の研究:星間磁場の解明
- 2009 - 2013 輻射輸送シミュレーションが解き明かすALMA時代の天文学
- 2005 - 2008 超高分解能次世代シミュレータで探る天の川銀河の成 り立ち
- 2004 - 2007 Numerical Astronomy using molecular and atomic line transfer calculations in the ALMA-era.
- 2004 - 2006 超新星残骸の長期的進化とバブルによる物質循環
- 2002 - 2005 3次元多重格子法を用いた磁気雲から星への進化の研究
- 2003 - 2004 Study on Early Evolution of Protostars based on Tree-dimensional Radiative Magnetohydrodynamical Numeroca ; l Simulations
- 1999 - 2002 動的収縮している星間分子雲コア からのアウトフローの形成機構
- 1998 - 2001 大型計算機シミュレーションによる星・惑星系の形成過程の理論的研究
- 1995 - 1997 多重格子法を用いた星間磁気雲の重力収縮の研究
- 1995 - 1997 超高速計算機とadaptive型計算法を用いた数値的天文学の 展開
- 1993 - 1995 磁場を持った超新星残骸の進化
- 1993 - 1994 スターバースト銀河からのX線放射機構
- 1992 - 1994 磁場と角運動量を持つ星間雲から星への進化
- 1993 - 1994 Formation of Flows and Structures Associated with Magnetic Fields in Active Astronomical Objects.
- 1990 - 1991 3次元磁気流体力学シミュレーションによるスーパー バブルの研究
- 1989 - 1990 回転している磁気星間雲の構造と進化
- 1989 - 1990 Exploring the Far Distant Universe by Using Quasars as a Probe
- 1986 - 1988 超新星残骸の進化及びその星間気体の構造に及ぼす影響
- 1987 - 1988 Study of Cosmic Electromagnetic Phenomena by using 3-D MHD Code
- Formation of Bipolar Molecular Outflow
- Gravitational Contraction of Molecular Cloud Cores
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Papers (129):
Raiga Kashiwagi, Kazunari Iwasaki, Kohji Tomisaka. Instability and Evolution of Shocked Clouds Formed by Orthogonal Collisions between Magnetized Filamentary Molecular Clouds. The Astrophysical Journal. 2024. 974. 2. 265-265
Satoko Takahashi, Masahiro N. Machida, Mitsuki Omura, Doug Johnstone, Kazuya Saigo, Naoto Harada, Kohji Tomisaka, Paul T. P. Ho, Luis A. Zapata, Steve Mairs, et al. An Extremely Young Protostellar Core, MMS 1/OMC-3: Episodic Mass Ejection History Traced by the Micro SiO Jet. The Astrophysical Journal. 2024. 964. 1. 48-48
Raiga Kashiwagi, Kazunari Iwasaki, Kohji Tomisaka. Simulation of Head-on Collisions between Filamentary Molecular Clouds Threaded by a Lateral Magnetic Field and Subsequent Evolution. The Astrophysical Journal. 2023. 954. 2. 129-129
Derek Ward-Thompson, Janik Karoly, Kate Pattle, Anthony Whitworth, Jason Kirk, David Berry, Pierre Bastien, Tao-Chung Ching, Simon Coudé, Jihye Hwang, et al. First BISTRO Observations of the Dark Cloud Taurus L1495A-B10: The Role of the Magnetic Field in the Earliest Stages of Low-mass Star Formation. The Astrophysical Journal. 2023. 946. 2. 62-62
Mehrnoosh Tahani, Pierre Bastien, Ray S. Furuya, Kate Pattle, Doug Johnstone, Doris Arzoumanian, Yasuo Doi, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, Simon Coudé, et al. JCMT BISTRO Observations: Magnetic Field Morphology of Bubbles Associated with NGC 6334. The Astrophysical Journal. 2023. 944. 2. 139-139
MISC (11):
Janik Karoly, Derek Ward-Thompson, Kate Pattle, David Berry, Anthony Whitworth, Jason Kirk, Pierre Bastien, Tao-Chung Ching, Simon Coude, Jihye Hwang, et al. The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Studying the Complex Magnetic Field of L43. 2023
Tomoyuki Hanawa, Takahiro Kudoh, Kohji Tomisaka. Fragmentation of a Filamentary Cloud Threaded by Perpendicular Magnetic Field. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 2020. 14. A30. 105-105
神鳥亮, 富阪幸治, 齋藤正雄, 立松健一, 田崎亮, 田村元秀, 日下部展彦, 長田哲也, 中島康, KWON Jungmi, et al. 分子雲コアの砂時計型磁場:凍結磁場モデルとコア形成の初期条件について. 日本天文学会年会講演予稿集. 2020. 2020
神鳥亮, 田崎亮, 長田哲也, 田村元秀, 日下部展彦, 富阪幸治, 齋藤正雄, 立松健一, 中島康, KWON Jungmi, et al. 分子雲コア内のダスト整列の多波長偏光観測. 日本天文学会年会講演予稿集. 2019. 2019
神鳥亮, 田村元秀, 富阪幸治, 齋藤正雄, 立松健一. グロビュールの砂時計型磁場構造の探査. 日本天文学会年会講演予稿集. 2018. 2018
Books (5):
天文学辞典 (シリーズ現代の天文学)
日本評論社 2012 ISBN:9784535607385
星間物質と星形成 (シリーズ現代の天文学)
日本評論社 2008 ISBN:9784535607262
シミュレーション天文学 (シリーズ現代の天文学)
日本評論社 2007 ISBN:9784535607347
Numerical Astrophysics
(Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers) 1999
Numerical Astrophysics
(Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers) 1999
Works (2):
1995 - 1996
Numerical Astrophysics Using Supercomputers
1995 - 1996
Education (3):
- 1981 - 1984 北海道大学大学院 理学研究科博士課程 物理学専攻
- 1979 - 1981 北海道大学大学院 理学研究科博士前期課程 物理学専攻
- 1974 - 1979 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (2):
- Doctor of Science (Hokkaido University)
- Master of Science (Hokkaido University)
Work history (12):
- 2021/04 - 現在 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies School of Physical Sciences Department of Astronomical Science
- 2021/04 - 現在 National Institutes of Natural Sciences Division of Science
- 2000/01 - 2021/03 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- 2000/01 - 2021/03 - Professor, National Astronomical Observatory
- 1989 - 1999 Niigata University Faculty of Education
- 1989 - 1999 Associate Professor, Faculty of Education Niigata University
- 1988 - 1989 Niigata University Faculty of Education
- 1988 - 1989 Assistant Professor of Faculty of Education Niigata University
- 1986 - 1988 日本学術振興会特別研究員
- 1986 - 1988 Junior Fellow of Japan Society for Promotion Sciences
- 1984 - 1985 日本学術振興会奨励研究員
- 1984 - 1985 Junior Fellow of Japan Society for Promotion Sciences
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Association Membership(s) (3):
英国天文学会(Royal Astronomical Society)
, 国際天文学連合(International Astronomy Union)
, 日本天文学会
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