Research field (2):
Computational science
, Information theory
Research keywords (2):
可視化 シミュレーション
, Visualization Simulation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
2020 - 2023 Extraction of page datasets from 3-D CT data of booklets from Laplace equation
2018 - 2021 Derivation of Partial Differential Equations from Big Data using Visual Analytics
2017 - 2019 Development of analysing a folded book using 3-D data visualization techniques
2014 - 2017 Construction of integrated particle rendering environment for large scale data visualization
2011 - 2012 Methodology for Evaluating Visualization Effectiveness
2011 - 2012 Ontological Analysis and Agenda Identification of Computational Journalism from a Perspective of Data Visualization
2009 - 2011 Development of a remote collaboration environment using a particle-based volume rendering technique
2007 - 2008 微小粒子を用いたボリュームレンダリング手法の開発
2006 - 2008 Development of Remote Collaborative Environment Using Volume Communication Technoiogies
2002 - 2006 協調ビジュアルデータマイニングのためのテレイマージョン環境の構築
2002 - 2006 Optimization technologies for developing mobile products
2003 - 2004 Research on techniques for classifying and searching for large-scale volume datasets using critical point graphs
2002 - 2004 A Study for Development of a Brain Surgery Simulation System
2001 - 2002 Research on specification of ROI in LIC visualization
Web-based Visualization Technologies
Development of an environmental Simulation Server
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Papers (125):
Zhongjiang Han, Jiarui Ou, Koji Koyamada. High-precision page information extraction from 3D scanned booklets using physics-informed neural network. Journal of Visualization. 2023. 26. 2. 335-349
Koji Koyamada, Yu Long, Takuma Kawamura, Katsumi Konishi. Data-driven derivation of partial differential equations using neural network model. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing. 2021. 12. 02. 2140001-2140001
Hiroaki Natsukawa, Ethan R. Deyle, Gerald M. Pao, Koji Koyamada, George Sugihara. A Visual Analytics Approach for Ecosystem Dynamics based on Empirical Dynamic Modeling. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 2021. 27. 2. 506-516
Yujin Nakagawa, Yosuke Onoue, Shitnaro Kawahara, Fumiaki Araki, Koji Koyamada, Daisuke Matsuoka, Yoichi Ishikawa, Mikiko Fujita, Shiori Sugimoto, Yasuko Okada, et al. Development of a system for efficient content-based retrieval to analyze large volumes of climate data. PROGRESS IN EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE. 2020. 7. 1. ARTN 9
馬場一貴, 津吹かおり, 増田勝也, 内海千津子, 亀甲博貴, 小山田耕二. Performance evaluation of natural language processing on childcare AI using visualization techniques. 可視化情報シンポジウム(CD-ROM). 2020. 48th
1979 - 1983 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Professional career (3):
Doctor of Engineering (Kyoto University)
Master of Engineering
工学士 (京都大学)
Work history (9):
2023/04 - 現在 Osaka Seikei University Department of Data Science Professor
2015/04 - 2023/03 Kyoto University Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies Professor
2013/04 - 2014/03 Kyoto University
2011/04 - 2013/03 Kyoto University Professor
2003/08 - 2011/03 Kyoto University Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education Professor
2001/04 - 2003/08 Kyoto University Data processing center Associate professor
1998 - 2001 Iwate Prefectural University Faculty of Software and Information Science Associate professor
1988/01 - 1998/03 IBM Japan Tokyo research laboratory Research staff member
1985/04 - 1987/12 IBM Japan Systems engineer
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Committee career (8):
2012/01 - 現在 Japan Society for Simulation Technology Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering・Editor in Chief
2011/10 - 現在 Science Council of Japan Member of the Joint Computational Science Simulation and Engineering Design Subcommittee of the Comprehensive Engineering Committee and Mechanical Engineering Committee
2009/01 - 現在 Visualization society of Japan Journal of Visualization・Editor in Chief
2017/10 - 2023/09 Science Council of Japan Member
2011/10 - 2017/09 Science Council of Japan Chairman of the Visualization Processing Subcommittee Contributing to Post-Petascale High-Performance Computation, Joint Computational Science Simulation and Engineering Design Subcommittee of the Comprehensive Engineering Committee and Mechanical Engineering Committee
2011/10 - 2017/09 Science Council of Japan Associate member
2014/07 - 2015/06 Visualization society of Japan President
2010/07 - 2012/06 Japan Society for Simulation Technology President
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Awards (1):
1998 - IEMT/IMC Outstanding Paper Award
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本シミュレーション学会
, 可視化情報学会
, IEEE Computer Society
, Information Processing Society of Japan
, Japan Society for Simulation Technology
, The Visualization Society of Japan
, IEEE Computer Society