2016 - 2020 Reformative Stream of Adolf Hoelzel in Stuttgart and the idea of Johannes Itten for the art-school reformation
2013 - 2017 Reformation of Art Academy in Stuttgart and reformative Tradition of A. Hoelzel's School there
2013 - 2015 美術デジタル教科書の利活用における現状と課題
2009 - 2011 German Artist-Professors as the "Exiled and emigre" inside and outside of Germany under Nazi-Regime, who prepared their ideas about the Reformation of Art Academies(Art Colleges) and contribution to its realization in Germany and the USA during and after World War II.
2005 - 2007 Research into influences ofb(B)auhans pedagogy upon the artistic reformation at ArtColleges in Germany and the USA after Second World War
2002 - 2004 Research into the realizing process of Kassel documenta in it's early stages with respect to Bauhaus paedagogy
2001 - 2002 Methodological Studies of Appreciation Education integrating Appreciation and Expression of Arts (based on case studies of German high school art education)
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Papers (61):
鈴木, 幹雄. ドイツ敗戦期にみる現代教育学・教育方法学の発生動態について(2)ゲッティンゲン大学学位取得者G・スロッタの「グループ授業(教授)」と教育学の「現実主義的転換」: Guenter Slotta and the Genesis of Modern Pedagogy & Didactics after Nazi Regime - the case of one reformative pedagogue named G. Slotta in Univ. Goettingen and his Research about“ Gruppenunterricht” for the“ Realistic Pedagogy”(1954)-. 関西福祉大学研究紀要 = The journal of Kansai University of Social Welfare. 2022. 25. 1-12
鈴木, 幹雄. Pedagogical refl ection about“ das exemplarische” in German school pedagogy and the emergences of realistic pedagogy after World War II. 関西福祉大学研究紀要 = The journal of Kansai University of Social Welfare. 2021. 24. 79-88
Art education by J. Itten in the Textile School in Krefeld and his Pedagogy of Art for Creativity. 日本教育実践方法学会教育実践方法学研究. 2019. 4(2). 2. 55-70
鈴木, 幹雄. Adolf Hoelzel and his pedagogical idea for constructive way of artistic creation- based on the modern research by Karin von Maur(2003) and by cooperative research by Museum of Stuttgart(2009) -. 関西福祉大学研究紀要 = The journal of Kansai University of Social Welfare. 2018. 21. 23-32
鈴木, 幹雄. Research note concerning the topic,“ how American childhood pedagogist, C. W. Topal, has accepted the Concept of European early childhood education”. 関西福祉大学研究紀要 = The journal of Kansai University of Social Welfare. 2021. 24. 111-119
How can we construct our educational Approaches for artistic Appreciation ?--From verbal Explanation to Experiences through Arts with Internet Programs in Europe--
(大学美術学会第53回大会 2014)
Perspective for Art Education in Japan and German Pedagogy of Art Education---How should we cultivate humanity of children ?---
(14th International Cinference of Education Research 2013)