J-GLOBAL ID:200901058364641342
Update date: Dec. 04, 2004
Kumagai Tunemasa
クマガイ ツネマサ | Kumagai Tunemasa
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
MISC (8):
鳥海柵建碑考. 東北文学の世界. 2002. 10, 1-14
On Erection of stone monument at Tonomi fort. The world in Touhoku Literature. 2002. 10, 1-14
岩手県岩洞湖大橋遺跡の石器群-北上山地の細石刃資料-(共著). 岩手考古学. 1993. 5. 27-36
Stone Tools industry from Ohashi Site of Lake Gando, Iwate Prefecture. microblades in Kitakami mountains northen Japan. Iwate Kokogaku. 1993. 5. 27-36
単孔土器考. 国学院大学考古学資料館紀要. 1989. 5. 17-27
Books (4):
土偶研究の地平3 1999
A Study of large clay figurine in Sidanai-site
A situation of clay figurines reserch 3 1999
土偶研究の地平 1997
Clay figurines of Iwate Prefecture.
A situation of clay figurines reserch 1997
Works (2):
1980 -
Areaeological Survey in Kitakami mountains
1980 -
Education (2):
- - 1976 Kokugakuin University Faculty of Letters
- - 1976 Kokugakuin University Faculty of Literature
Work history (2):
- 1980 - 1989 岩手県立博物館学芸員
- 1980 - 1989 Iwate Prefectural Museum, Curator
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 全日本博物館学会
, 岩手考古学会
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