Research keywords (7):
Cognitive Psychology
, specifically Second Language Processing
, Text Comprehension
, Psychology of Language
, 認知心理学
, テキスト理解とくに第二言語理解
, 言語心理学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2017 - 第二言語処理における認知資源配分の理解と思考への影響に関する認知・脳科学的研究
2014 - 2017 外国語力と外国語副作用の関係
2011 - 2013 思考に対する外国語の妨害作用
Papers (16):
浅見紫織, ローランド・D, a, 森島泰則. 英語学習者向け代名詞処理を伴うリーディングスパンテストの材料文開発. 教育研究. 2019. 61. 81-89
Morishima, Y. The Role of Long-Term Working Memory in Second Language Comprehension. Educational Studies. 2013. 55. 55. 71-78
Nakamura, M, Morishima, Y, Teraoka, T, Okamoto, J. Causal structure of long-term memory: an examination by language association experiments. 2011. 11. 2. 143-156
Fukuda, Y, Tsunemi, K, Kajii, N. Ide, A, Morishima, Y, Inohara, K. Does the 1st- vs. 3rd-person perspective difference affect emotion inferences during narrative reading?. Digital Proceedings of the 21th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. 2011
Morishima, Y. The effect of cognitive load of low-level language processing on text memory retrieval in second language comprehension. 2010
Morishima, Y. Elaborations for the Validation of a Causal Bridging Inference in Text Comprehension. Educational Studies. 2008. 50. 201-210
The effect of Syntactic complexity on sentence processing in second language. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science. 2008. 124-127
Neurological Evidence of Differential Allocation of Cognitive Resources during Comprehension in a First Language and a Second Language
(Workshop on Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Processing and Learning 2019)
Active Search or Automatic Activation?: A Study on Unheralded Pronoun Resolution in a Second Language
(The 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 2017)
Allocation of the Cognitive Resources to the Processes of Unheralded Pronoun in a Second Language
(The First International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-1) 2017)