J-GLOBAL ID:200901058824726520
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Oyama Ichigyo
オヤマ イチギョウ | Oyama Ichigyo
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
History of thought
, Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords (4):
, 日本思想史
, Japanese Buddhist Thought
, History of Japanese Thought
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 1898 - 親鸞の思想研究
- 1898 - Study of Shinran's Thought
MISC (18):
親鸞の人間観:凡夫の自覚と成仏の可能性. 筑紫女学園大学国際文化研究所論叢. 2003. 14. 43-52
Shinran's View of Man: The Self-Realization of the Ignorant Being and the Possibility of Attaining Buddhahood. Bulletin of the International Cultural Research Institute of Chikushi Jogakuen University. 2003. 14. 43-52
阿弥陀仏の人格性について:キリスト教との対話の視点から. 筑紫女学園大学国際文化研究論集. 2002. 13. 131-138
On the Personal Nature of Amida:From the Viewpoint of Dialogue with Christianity. Bulletin of the International Cultural Research Institute of Chikushi Jogakuen. 2002. 13. 131-138
親鸞聖人における『涅槃経』の位置. 宗教. 2000. 38-6, 8-14
Books (12):
山喜房仏書林 1999
What Shinran wanted to say
Sankibo Busshorin 1999
大蔵出版 1995
Translation of Shi-chi-ching(Sei-ki-kyo)
Daizo Shuppan 1995
雲藤義道喜寿記念論文集「宗教的真理と現代」 1993
Education (4):
- - 1977 Toyo University Graduate School,Department of Literature
- - 1977 Toyo University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1972 Toyo University Faculty of Literature
- - 1972 Toyo University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
- Master of Arts (Toyo University)
Work history (2):
- 1988 - 1995 Associate Professor, Chikushi Jogakuen University
- 1977 - 1979 Fellow, Institute of Buddhist Culture Studies of Musashino Women's University
Committee career (2):
- 1996 - 日本印度学仏教学会 理事
- 1995 - 日本印度学仏教学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 国際真宗学会
, 日本仏教学会
, 日本印度学仏教学会
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