ZHAO YANAN, NISHIDA MASAHIRO, NAKADA YUSUKE, UEDA SYUJI, IHARA IKKO, TOYODA KIYOHIKO, YAMANOUE MINORU. Effects of intramuscular FFAs on taste-traits of Japanese Black Wagyu beef. Proceedings of the 62nd ICoMST. 2016. 1. O-05-1-4
TOYODA KIYOHIKO. Techniques for Ensuring the Safety and Quality of Food and Agricultural Products (Part3) - Application of Electrical Properties of Microbes and Foods -. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engeneers. 2014. 76. 1. 32-35
TOYODA KIYOHIKO, YAGI NAOTO, KUROKI SHINICHIRO. Formulation of gas cell development in bread dough based on kinetic analysis of yeast sugar metabolism. BAKING INDUSTRY'S REPORT. 2013. 42. 12. 4-14
TOYODA KIYOHIKO, YAGI NAOTO, KUROKI SHINICHIROU. Formulation of gas cell development in bread dough based on kinetic analysis of yeast sugar metabolism. ANNUAL REPORT 2012. 2013. 28. 237-243
TOYODA KIYOHIKO, Shinichiro Kuroki, Yuya Terakawa, Naoto Yagi, Kentaro Uesugi, Masato Hoshino. 3D Tomography Analysis of Bubble Evolution, Growth and Coalescence during Bread Dough Fermentation. 平成24年度 SPring-8 重点産業化促進課題・一般課題(産業分野)実施報告書(2012B). 2013
Bubble structure and mechanical properties of commercial bread
(The 76th Annual Conference of The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers 2017)