J-GLOBAL ID:200901059003849468
Update date: Sep. 24, 2024
Senzaki Hideaki
センザキ ヒデアキ | Senzaki Hideaki
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (124):
Takuya Takahashi, Hirofumi Saiki, Akira Sato, Seiko Kuwata, Satoshi Nakano, Yumi Sato, Manami Akasaka, Junichi Koizumi, Hideaki Senzaki, Kotaro Oyama. Significance of End-Diastolic Forward Flow in Patients With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot - Its Interaction With the Left Ventricular Property and End Organ Damage. Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society. 2023. 88. 1. 73-80
Kei Inai, Ryo Inuzuka, Hiroshi Ono, Masaki Nii, Shinichi Ohtsuki, Yoshihiko Kurita, Atsuhito Takeda, Keiichi Hirono, Kohta Takei, Satoshi Yasukouchi, et al. Predictors of long-term mortality among perioperative survivors of Fontan operation. European heart journal. 2022. 43. 25. 2373-2384
竹蓋 清高, 斎木 宏文, 関 満, 籏 義仁, 中川 良, 植田 由依, 佐藤 有美, 中西 敏雄, 先崎 秀明. E-trackingとDoppler Echoを用いた詳細な血管床、循環動態の解析. 日本小児循環器学会総会・学術集会抄録集. 2021. 57回. [OR9-5]
Hirofumi Saiki, Kohei Kawada, Seiko Kuwata, Manabu Takanashi, Takuma Fukunishi, Kagami Miyaji, Hideaki Senzaki. Echocardiogram Unmasked Hemodynamic Advantage of Atrial Pacing in Securing Ventricular Preload in a Fontan Patient with Junctional Rhythm. International heart journal. 2021. 62. 2. 448-452
Seiko Kuwata, Hirofumi Saiki, Manabu Takanashi, Takuma Fukunishi, Kagami Miyaji, Hideaki Senzaki. Venous Properties in a Fontan Patient with Successful Remission of Protein-Losing Enteropathy. International heart journal. 2021. 62. 3. 710-714
MISC (78):
Ryo Inuzuka, Hikoro Matsui, Hideaki Senzaki. Single-beat Estimation of Preload Recruitable Stroke Work and Its Coupling to Arterial Load in the Human Left Ventricle. CIRCULATION. 2019. 140
齋木 宏文, 桑田 聖子, 高梨 学, 菅本 健司, 増谷 聡, 先崎 秀明. 心不全病態に対する多面的アプローチ 基礎から治療へ フォンタン循環を改善する工夫 心房心室連関の重要性. 日本小児循環器学会雑誌. 2019. 35. Suppl.1. s1-126
高梨 学, 齋木 宏文, 桑田 聖子, 福西 琢真, 岩本 洋一, 菅本 健司, 石戸 博隆, 増谷 聡, 宮本 隆司, 宮地 鑑, et al. post tolvaptan eraのうっ血解除戦術〜利尿薬をどのように使うか Post tolvaptan eraのうっ血解除戦術 小児におけるトラセミド、トルバプタンの効果. 日本小児循環器学会雑誌. 2019. 35. Suppl.1. s1-128
松村 峻, 岩本 洋一, 石戸 博隆, 増谷 聡, 桑田 聖子, 本田 崇, 高梨 学, 菅本 健司, 齋木 宏文, 先崎 秀明. 診断カテーテル方法の工夫による包括的心血管機能評価と循環動態理解. 日本小児循環器学会雑誌. 2019. 35. Suppl.1. s1-210
桑田 聖子, 齋木 宏文, 高梨 学, 菅本 健司, 先崎 秀明. Fontan循環における心筋エネルギー効率 心不全の治療ターゲット. 日本小児循環器学会雑誌. 2019. 35. Suppl.1. s1-166
Books (29):
Diagnostic Catheterization in Childhood and Adult Congenital Heart Disease.
Grossman's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention. 2017
Comprehensive Assessment of Aortopathy Using Catheterization. Aortopathy. Niwa and Kaemmere
Springer Japan 2017
A Case of Recurrent Colorectal Cancer With Bilateral Ovarian Metastases That Were Reduced With Regorafenib Therapy
Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 2017
Lymphocyte-depleted Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Accompanied by Myelofibrosis
Intervention for Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease.
Grossman's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention 2017
Education (1):
- 1982 - 1988 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
- 2020/02 - 現在 International University of Health and Welfare, School of Medicine Pediatrics MD,
Awards (6):
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