J-GLOBAL ID:200901059138520385
Update date: Feb. 14, 2008
Okada Misao
オカダ ミサヲ | Okada Misao
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Japanese language education
, Linguistics
Research keywords (6):
, 会話分析
, 言語とジェンダー
, Discourse analysis
, Conversation Analysis(CA)
, Language and gender
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2003 - 2006 日本語におけるいわゆる「女性語・男性語」研究
- 2003 - 2006 so-called 'women's/men's language' in Japanese
MISC (6):
『微視的談話分析とその意義-自然会話に現れた文末表現をめぐって-,University of Minnesota:Ph.D dissertation. 2001
The use of nonparticle questions among women and men in Japanese Spontaneous conversation. University of Minnesota:Ph.D dissertation. 2001
How the length and pitch of aizuti 'back channel utterance' and the nature of the speech activity determine preference structure in Japanese conversation. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. 1996
How the length and pitch of aizuti 'back channel utterance' and the nature of the speech activity determine preference structure in Japanese conversation. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. 1996
「参加者による発話行動理解への動的過程 -会話分析(CA)手法の言語とジェンダー研究への応用」. 藤女子大学紀要. 第1部 第42号
Books (2):
くろしお出版,Polly Szatrowski編『Hidden and Open Conflict in Japanese conversational Interaction』第6章 2004
Alternating and dual alignments in nemawasi 'behind the scenes persuasion' conversations.
Kuroshio Pub, In Polly Szatrowski(eds.), Hidden and open conflict in Japanese conversational interaction, Chapter6
Education (4):
- - 2001 ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota) (Linguistics)言語学学科 言語学(Linguistics)
- - 1983 Nanzan University
- - 1983 Nanzan University Faculty of Literature Japanese Language and Literature
- University of Minnesota Linguistics Linguistics
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D (University of Minnesota)
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 社会言語科学会
, The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
, The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
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