J-GLOBAL ID:200901059378768783
Update date: Jul. 14, 2024
Anazawa Katsuro
Anazawa Katsuro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (4):
Environmental dynamics
, Space and planetary science
, Environmental policy and society
, Environmental impact assessment
Research keywords (34):
, 物質循環
, 環境解析
, 水銀
, スロベニア
, 鉱山
, 土壌
, 動揺
, 水銀鉱山
, 国際研究者交流
, 火山ガス凝縮水
, ヒ素
, メチル水銀
, 国際研究協力
, 凝縮水
, 環境試料
, 噴気ガス
, 環境影響
, スペシエーション
, アンチモン
, 噴気孔ガス凝縮水
, ヒ素・アンチモン
, 河川水
, 非凝縮ガス
, 底質
, 動態
, 火山発散物
, 拡散
, 坑廃水
, 温泉
, 火山
, 陸水
, 地球化学
, hydrological environment
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
Papers (12):
Katsuro Anazawa, Wilson Y. Fantong, Akira Ueda, Akiko Ozawa, Minoru Kusakabe, Yutaka Yoshida, Takeshi Ohba. Environmental modifications of Lake Nyos surface water by artificial degassing. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES. 2019. 152. 115-121
Ohba, T, Ooki, S, Oginuma, Y, Kusakabe, M, Yoshida, Y, Ueda, A, Anazawa, K, Saiki, K, Kaneko, K, Miyabuchi, Y, et al. Decreasing removal rate of the dissolved CO2 in Lake Nyos, Cameroon, after the installation of additional degassing pipes. Ohba, T., Capaccioni, B. and Caudron, C. (eds) Geochemistry and Geophysics of Active Volcanic Lakes, Geological Society of London, Special Publications. 2017. 437. 177-184
Akiko Ozawa, Akira Ueda, Wilson Y. Fantong, Katsuro Anazawa, Yutaka Yoshida, Minoru Kusakabe, Takeshi Ohba, Greg Tanyileke, Joseph V. Hell. Rate of siderite precipitation in Lake Nyos, Cameroon. Geological Society Special Publication. 2017. 437. 1. 213-222
Mohamed Yousif, Takashi Oguchi, Katsuro Anazawa, Takeshi Ohba. Framework for Investigation of Karst Aquifer in an Arid Zone, Using Isotopes, Remote Sensing and GIS Applications: the Northwestern Coast of Egypt. ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESSES-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. 2015. 2. 1. 37-60
Brice T. Kamtchueng, Wilson Y. Fantong, Akira Ueda, Edwige R. Tiodjio, Katsuro Anazawa, Mengnjo J. Wirmvem, Joseph O. Mvondo, Luc S. Nkamdjou, Minoru Kusakabe, Takeshi Ohba, et al. Assessment of shallow groundwater in Lake Nyos catchment (Cameroon, Central-Africa): implications for hydrogeochemical controls and uses. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES. 2014. 72. 9. 3663-3678
MISC (63):
Hiroshi Ogawa, Katsuro Anazawa, Hajime Obata, Kotaro Shirai, Naoko Murakami-Sugihara, Hideshige Takada, Asami Suzuki-Mashio, Kaoruko Mizukawa, Hideki Minami. Distribution and fluctuation of land-derived environmental pollutants in Otsuchi Bay. NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI. 2017. 83. 4. 648-651
YAGUCHI Muga, ANAZAWA Katsuro. Influence of Nitric Acid and Hydrochloric Acid on the Calcium Determination by AAS in the Presence of Interference Inhibitor. 2013. 62. 8. 701-705
西森 智幸, 穴澤 活郎. 近畿・四国地方における非火山性温泉水の河川に与える影響評価. 環境情報科学 = Environmental information science. 2013. 41. 4. 78-78
Ohba Takeshi, Sasaki Yuka, Kusakabe Minoru, Yoshida Yutaka, Ueda Akira, Anazawa Katsuro, Kaneko Katsuya, Yasuo Miyabuchi, F.T. Issa, W Aka, et al. Water chemistry of lakes Nyos and Monoun, Cameroon. Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan. 2012. 59. 0. 307
Kamtchueng T. Brice, Fantong Wilson, Anazawa Katsuro, Ueda Akira, Kusakabe Minoru, Ohba Takeshi, Tanyileke Greg, Hell Joseph. Stable isotope study of groundwaters around Lake Nyos (North-western Cameroon). Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan. 2012. 59. 0
Patents (1):
Books (1):
Fluorine and Coexisting Volatiles in the Geosphere: The Role in Japanese Volcanic Rocks., In: Fluorine & Environment, Advances in Fluorine Science, Vol. 1., Tressaud, A. ed., 189-226.
Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2006
Education (6):
Professional career (2):
- Doctor(Science) (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 博士(環境学) (東京大学)
Work history (8):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 環境情報科学センター
, 日本分析化学会
, 日本地球化学会
, Volcanological Society of Japan
, Geochemical Society of Japan
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