J-GLOBAL ID:200901059400514049
Update date: Apr. 18, 2024
Okamoto Kazuko
オカモト カズコ | Okamoto Kazuko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research keywords (1):
Modern german Literature, Berlin Literature, Walter Benjamin
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2018 - 2021 Representation Space of Violence
- 2016 - 2020 Descriptability of the city Berlin in modern German literature
- 2010 - 2014 Describability of early childhood in modern German literature
- 2007 - 2009 The meaning of the childhood in modern German philology and art theory-from the romanticism to Walter Benjamin.
- 2006 - 2009 Das Moment der "Negativitat" und seine Funktionen in der deutschen modernen Literatur
Papers (12):
Kazuko Okamoto. Resistance to Singing - On the Attitude of "Asking Myself in Solitude" in Yo Henmi's "1★9★3★7". 2023. 150. 63-87
Kazuko Okamoto. Berlin, the uninhabitable city. An Approach from modern German literature. Literary Studies (Meiji University). 2021. 143. 27-64
Kazuko Okamoto. An Attempt at comedy in German Romanticism. Clemans Brentanos "Poce de Leon". Aurora (Eichendorff-Gesellschaft Japan). 2020. 37. 60-73
Kazuko Okamoto. Die Darstellung der Kindheit in der neueren deutschen Literatur - mit Fokus auf Berlin. Memoirs of the Institute of Cultural Sciences, Meiji University. 2017. 80. 55-95
Kazuko Okamoto. Colleced Letters as Testimony of the German Bourgeoisie - An Attempt at an Approach to Benjamin's German People. Neue Beiträge zur Germanistik. 2017. 155. 74-94
MISC (4):
Kazuko Okamoto. The great experimental spirit for the modern German language - About the Complete Klopstock Historical Critical Edition. 2021. 25. 49-53
Kazuko Okamoto. Talking about Psychosis, Talking about Germany - About Oskar Pnizza's Psichopatia criminalis. The Book Review Press. 2018. 3386
Rezension. Yasumasa OGURO: Die Wasserfrau. Eine Schiffreise nach Topos. AURORA. 2012. 30. 19-22
Kazuko Okamoto. Reading Childhood - Against decluttering. 2012. 117. 140-144
Books (10):
Repräsentationsräume der Gewalt --- Krisen in Europa im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
2024 ISBN:9784588130403
Doitsubungakuno Michishirube. From Nibelungen to Yoko Tawada
2021 ISBN:9784623090785
Berlin, a Metropole on the sand
Chikurinsha 2015 ISBN:9784902084672
Benjamin Collection 7. "Shi" ki kara cho "Shi" ki he
2014 ISBN:9784480095985
Benjamin Collection 6. Danpen no Chikara
2012 ISBN:9784480094643
Lectures and oral presentations (9):
ロマン派による喜劇の試みとその射程- クレメンス・ブレンターノ『ポンセ・デ・レオン』をめぐって
(日本独文学会春季研究発表会 2019)
Ein Häretiker in der Benjamin-Forschung? - Das Schöne an der Wiederholungsmacht der Natur -
(Humboldt-Kolleg, Tokio 2019 2019)
(法政大学言語・文化センター公開シンポジウム「マテリアとしての記憶」 2015)
„Zum Bilde Benjamins - übersetzt und zitiert ins Japanische“
(Benjamin Lektüren. Zur internationalen Rezeption. Ein Symposium des Walter Benjamin Archivs in der Akademie der Künste 2013)
Die Idee der „Sprache des Kindes“ und die Poetologie bei Clemens Brentano“(クレメンス・ブレンターノにおける子どもの言語の理念と詩論)
(新潟大学人文学部共催国際シンポジウム(19世紀学学会・19世紀学研究所) 2012)
Education (1):
- 1998 - 2003 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology European and American Studies
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Letters (The University of Tokyo)
Awards (1):
- 2004/06 - Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Germanistik in Japan e.V.
Association Membership(s) (2):
Eichendorff-Gesellschaft Japan
, Japanese Society for German Studies
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