J-GLOBAL ID:200901060437885290   Update date: Jan. 18, 2023

Nix Michael

ニックス マイケル | Nix Michael
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Sociology
Research keywords  (2): "Learner autonomy, critical academic literacy, translanguanging, multi-modality, interested action" ,  "Cultural Studies, Critical Multiculturalism, Critical Pedagogy"
Papers (12):
  • Lynda-ann Blanchard, Mike Nix. Creating spaces for radical pedagogy in higher education. Human Rights Education Review. 2019. 2. 2. 64-83
  • Nix, M, Kodama, H, Ito, R, So, Y, Kawashima, N. Developing a Student-Planned Study Abroad Program. The 2014 PanSIG Conference Proceedings. Miyazaki, Japan: JALT. 2015. 134-140
  • Blanchard L, Nix, M. Investigating Diversity, Human Rights and Civil Society in Japan and Australia. Peace Writes. 2015. 1. 15-18
  • Nix, M, Blanchard, L. with, Ito, R, Kawashima, N, Kodama, S, So, Y. Innovating Peace Education Praxis. Peace Writes. 2014. 1. 21-25
  • R. Pemberton, M Nix. Practices of Critical Thinking, Criticality and Learner Autonomy. 学習の学習 (Learning Learning): Special Issue. 2012. 19. 2. 79-94
MISC (9):
  • Co-authored with Lucy Cooker. On Q: An Appropriate Methodology for Researching Autonomy? (Interview with Lucy Cooker). Learner Autonomy in Language Learning. 2011
  • Lucy Cooker. On Q: An Appropriate Methodology for Researching Autonomy? (Part 2). 学習の学習 (Learning Learning). 2011. 17. 2. 24-30
  • Lucy Cooker. On Q: An Appropriate Methodology for Researching Autonomy? (Part 1). 学習の学習 (Learning Learning). 2010. 17. 2. 24-30
  • Critical Reader Response to Taking the Teacher Out of the Test; Exploring student autonomy in EFL classroom testing, by M. Harrison. M. Kohyama & E. Skier (Eds.), More Autonomy You Ask (Learner and Teacher Autonomy in Japan 2. 2006
  • Co-edited with, A. Barfield. Learning Learning (Newsletter of the JALT Learner Development Special Interest Group). 2001. 8. 3
Books (6):
  • Out of the midst of stories: Narrative representations and reconstructions of meanings for autonomy
    A. Barfield & N. Delgado Alvarado (Eds), Autonomy in Language Learning: Stories of Practices. IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group 2013
  • Autonomy and control in curriculum development: ‘Are you teaching what we agreed?’
    Maintaining Control: Autonomy and Languaging Learning, Hong Kong University Press 2009
  • Telling Tales of Transformation
  • Writing Autonomy; or It's the Content, Stupid!
    Tokyo: The Japan Association for Language Teaching 2003
  • A Collaborative Preface: Four Incomplete Views of Autonomy You Ask!
    Tokyo: The Japan Association for Language Teaching 2003
Lectures and oral presentations  (32):
  • Active Learning Programme and Citizenship Education: Toward an Inclusive Society
    (Japanese Scientists' Association 22nd General Academic Research Conference 2018)
  • A Radical Pedagogy for Human Rights Education?
    (9th International Conference on Human Rights Education: Unleashing the Full Potential of Civil Society 2018)
  • How I Got the Picture (about Academic Literacy)?
    (Japan Association for Language Teaching “JALT 2011 37th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2011)
  • Practices of Critical Thinking, Criticality and Learner Autonomy
    (Japan Association for Language Teaching, Learner Development Special Interest Group, 'Realizing Autonomy' Conference 2011)
  • Local PLAY Global STOP Autonomy REWIND Questions WRITE
    (The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics 2011)
Education (1):
  • 1990 - 1991 University of Birmingham Faculty of Sociology Department of Cultural Studies
Professional career (2):
  • 社会科学修士 (バーミンガム大学)
  • Master of Social Science (バーミンガム大学)
Work history (14):
  • 2007/04 - "Chuo University Faculty of Law, Professor"
  • 2002/04 - 2007/03 "Chuo University Faculty of Law, Associate Professor"
  • 1996/04 - 2004/03 "Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Part-time Lecturer"
  • 1999/04 - 2002/03 "Chuo University Faculty of Law, Full-time Lecturer"
  • 1999/04 - 2001/04 "Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Graduate School of Area and Culture Studies, Part-time Lecturer"
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Association Membership(s) (2):
Japan Association for Language Teaching ,  British Association of Applied Linguistics
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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